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What would the term Unbiased mean in Sudoku?
Resolution state after Singles and whips[1]:
! 1 2 3 ! 7 4 5 ! 6 8 9 !
! 4 567 567 ! 8 19 19 ! 2357 2357 2357 !
! 57 8 9 ! 2 6 3 ! 57 1 4 !
! 8 3579 57 ! 4 3579 2 ! 357 6 1 !
! 5679 135679 12567 ! 1359 13579 1789 ! 2357 4 23578 !
! 57 4 1257 ! 6 1357 178 ! 9 2357 23578 !
! 3 1579 157 ! 159 2 4 ! 8 579 6 !
! 2 579 4 ! 359 8 6 ! 1 3579 357 !
! 569 1569 8 ! 1359 13579 179 ! 4 2359 235 !
150 candidates.
naked-pairs-in-a-block: b4{r4c3 r6c1}{n5 n7} ==> r6c3≠7, r6c3≠5, r5c3≠7, r5c3≠5, r5c2≠7, r5c2≠5, r5c1≠7, r5c1≠5, r4c2≠7, r4c2≠5
naked-pairs-in-a-column: c1{r3 r6}{n5 n7} ==> r9c1≠5
finned-x-wing-in-columns: n9{c1 c4}{r5 r9} ==> r9c6≠9, r9c5≠9
whip[1]: b8n9{r9c4 .} ==> r5c4≠9
biv-chain[2]: r3n5{c7 c1} - b4n5{r6c1 r4c3} ==> r4c7≠5
biv-chain[2]: r3n7{c7 c1} - b4n7{r6c1 r4c3} ==> r4c7≠7
singles ==> r4c7=3, r4c2=9, r5c1=6, r9c1=9, r2c3=6, r9c2=6, r5c2=3, r7c2=1, r6c5=3
finned-x-wing-in-rows: n5{r3 r6}{c1 c7} ==> r5c7≠5
whip[1]: c7n5{r3 .} ==> r2c8≠5, r2c9≠5
biv-chain[2]: r7n7{c8 c3} - c2n7{r8 r2} ==> r2c8≠7
biv-chain[2]: r7n7{c8 c3} - b4n7{r4c3 r6c1} ==> r6c8≠7
whip[1]: c8n7{r8 .} ==> r8c9≠7
hidden-pairs-in-a-block: b9{n7 n9}{r7c8 r8c8} ==> r8c8≠5, r8c8≠3, r7c8≠5
finned-x-wing-in-rows: n5{r4 r7}{c3 c5} ==> r9c5≠5
whip[1]: c5n5{r5 .} ==> r5c4≠5
Yogi wrote:What would the term Unbiased mean in Sudoku?
| 1 2 3 | 7 4 5 | 6 8 9 |
| 4 567 567 | 8 19 19 | 2357 2357 2357 |
|#57 8 9 | 2 6 3 |#57 1 4 |
| 8 39 #57 | 4 3579 2 | 3-57 6 1 |
| 69 1369 126 | 1359 13579 1789 | 2357 4 23578 |
|#57 4 12 | 6 1357 178 | 9 2357 23578 |
| 3 1579 157 | 159 2 4 | 8 579 6 |
| 2 579 4 | 359 8 6 | 1 3579 357 |
| 69 1569 8 | 1359 13579 179 | 4 2359 235 |
| 1 2 3 | 7 4 5 | 6 8 9 |
| 4 57 6 | 8 19 19 | 257 2357 2357 |
|#57 8 9 | 2 6 3 |#57 1 4 |
| 8 9 57 | 4 57 2 | 3 6 1 |
| 6 3 12 | 15 1579 1789 |#57+2 4 578-2 |
|#57 4 12 | 6 3 178 | 9 #57+2 @578-2 |
| 3 1 57 | 59 2 4 | 8 579 6 |
| 2 57 4 | 359 8 6 | 1 3579 357 |
| 9 6 8 | 135 157 17 | 4 235 235 |
| 1 2 3 | 7 4 5 | 6 8 9 |
| 4 57 6 | 8 1 9 | 257 2357 2357 |
| 57 8 9 | 2 6 3 | 57 1 4 |
| 8 9 #57 | 4 #57 2 | 3 6 1 |
| 6 3 12 | 15 9 8 | 257 4 57 |
| 57 4 12 | 6 3 17 | 9 25 8 |
| 3 1 #57 | 9-5 2 4 | 8 579 6 |
| 2 57 4 | 359 8 6 | 1 3579 357 |
| 9 6 8 | 135 #57 17 | 4 235 235 |
Yogi wrote:Thank you. Your answer indicates that the term unbiased is not important to me.
The puzzle is an example which came from a huge document, downloaded from somewhere, containing a so-far unknown number of codes.
The document can be read by MS Word but I don't think it is in an up-to-date format. The puzzles are of varying difficulty and I thought that one was reasonably interesting. The document was named Unbiased.
Yogi wrote:That's all good. I was taking as probably meaning that it was a totally random collection which has no limiting parameters, such as requiring Symmetry, a certain level of difficulty, number of givens, etc. 'Without preference,' if you like.