Ok... like I guessed in my PM, you are making things unneccessarily complicated.
Here's the current situation on digit 5:
- Code: Select all
Here's the TTD for the solved cells:
- Code: Select all
And here's how the candidates are distributed in the unsolved cells:
- Code: Select all
-In the completed TTD pattern, all rows and columns must add up to 3.
-Row 2 has only one dot so far, needs two more.
-Only available dots in row 2 are in column 2 => r2c2 must be 2.
-With two dots in r2c2 and the original one dot in r1c2, column two already adds up to 3, r3c2must be 0.
- You may eliminate all candidates 5 that are located in r3c2 of any box =>
r6c2 and r9c8<>5.
Of course, you could also make the same elimination using the X-wing in r69c19 or the X-wing in r58c28. Which one is easier? It depends. If you are constantly keeping track of your TTD patterns, then this elimination, as described above, should be fairly easy to spot.
If you want to develop your technique further, I'd suggest you look at different examples of X-wing, Swordfish and other fishy eliminations and try to find TTD alternatives to those. But be aware that for every TTD elimination you'll ever find, there's most likely always a fish...
I'd also suggest that you get rid of you handdrawn pictures and come up with a way to post your examples using plain text and BBCode only (see
here). Do not expect people to participate in the discussion if it requires scanning and uploading of pictures.