Timesonline Oct 12 solutions pic

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Timesonline Oct 12 solutions pic

Postby udosuk » Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:58 pm

Has anyone gone there and had a look... I know not many people will need to refer to the answers they gave to know they're right or wrong (surely not myself)... But what a disgrace it was... It looks like a screwing-around scanning attempt by my 5-year old nephew...
Posts: 2698
Joined: 17 July 2005

Postby MCC » Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:13 pm

Maybe they got the Sudoku page mixed up with the Arts page and it's an entry for the Turner prize.
Posts: 1275
Joined: 08 June 2005

Postby udosuk » Sun Oct 30, 2005 6:32 pm

It's getting more and more pathetic. Not only roughly half of the solution pics in the past few weeks been in a terrible quality (especially the killer grids), today for the Friday Oct 28 mild one (No. 437) the "solution" grid doesn't match the original puzzle at all, i.e. wrong answer. I hope Wayne wasn't involved in any of these blunders at all . But as a supposedly world prestigious newspaper this is certainly not acceptable...
Posts: 2698
Joined: 17 July 2005

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