DonFurther to your exchange with Ronk :
in the example to which you refer, I would say that under existing Jeff terminology it is a forcing chain, since to qualify as a forcing net under his terminology there would have to be multiple inference within one or both of the streams.
My own view as already expressed is that multiple inference is normal practice, forces nothing, and having got mixed into the pioneering definitions of forcing nets of long ago, is regarded by some as sufficient for a net.
This is language got out of hand.
Personally I would remove "multiple inference" out of the definitions.
Which would have the great benefit of removing the need for two names : forcing chains, forcing nets. Forcing net would be the clear choice.
After all chains don't force anything, they just produce implications from which conclusions can be drawn.
The forcing chain in existing nomenclature consists of two chains exiting from the two and only two possibilities within a boolean eg bivalue. If those chains imply the same thing, then that joint implication leaves no choice and
forces a conclusion.
So to conclude
1. forcing chain is a misnomer
2. forcing net would do very well for all that forcing business
3. multiple inference is a complete red herring in all of the above.
And very lastly in the example you quoted :
- Code: Select all
4678 1267 I12 | 5 68 H27 |C14 3 9
68 3 9 | 68 4 1 | 2 5 7
A47 127 5 | 27 3 9 | 6 8 B14
5-7 9 JF14 | 3 2 KG47 |E18 6 158
123 12 8 | 9 5 6 | 7 4 13
567 67 34 | 47 1 8 | 9 2 35
29 4 6 | 1 78 5 | 3 79 28
23 8 7 | 246 9 234 | 5 1 246
1239 5 123 | 2468 678 234 |D48 79 2468
r4c1 -7- r3c1 -4- r3c9 -1- r1c7 -4- r9c7 -8- r4c7 -1- r4c3 -4- r4c6 -7- r1c6 -2- r1c3 -1- r4c3 -4- r4c6 -7- r4c1 ==> r4c1<>7
a good old hidden pair would deal with that much quicker
67r6c12=5r6c1-(5=3)r6c9-(3=1)r5c9-(1=4)r3c9-(4=7)r3c1 :=><7>r4c1.