Yes, I would be interested in knowing how long people took on these puzzles. I dubbed the puzzles into the Pappocom software, then solved them on the computer (without any hints, etc). The times I took to solve the problems varied widely, from 34 minutes for the first one (after I made a mistake & had to start all over again

) to a little over 12 minutes for the one on the 7th July (maybe I was lucky that problem suited my solving technique?). Most of the others took between 15 - 20 mins to solve. I suppose to be honest it would have taken me longer with pencil & paper, as I take longer rubbing the small numbers out, etc. Seeing as how using a computer rather pencil & paper (soooooooo old fashioned eh?) may be considered as cheating, I won't be taking up my place in the championships. So, Pi, if you are on the Reserve List, there will be at least one place spare!