Times Book 1 Puzzle 36

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Times Book 1 Puzzle 36

Postby causbrite » Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:37 pm

Now I admit that until I bought the book I had never solved a Difficult puzzle.I am know at a loose end, I have completed all upto 35. But on 36 I am at a loss as what to do next. This is a far as I have got.

. . 9 7 . . 8 . 2
5 . 4 8 . 2 7 . 9
8 2 7 . 1 . . . 6
2 . 1 6 7 . 4 . 5
9 . . 2 4 . 6 . 7
7 4 6 . . 8 2 . .
4 7 . . 9 6 . 2 8
6 9 2 3 8 . . 7 4
. . . 4 2 7 9 6 .

Numbers in red are the given clues. I just cannot see the next step. Please help.
Posts: 20
Joined: 29 March 2005

Postby Animator » Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:02 pm

Look at the place where a 1 can go in box 3, 6. (First try to find it yourself, then look at the rest of the post...)

When you found it, then you can fill in some other 1's, and after that you can fill every 3

Box3: empty cells: r1c8, r2c8, r3c7, r3c8:
r1c8, 1 is possible,
r2c8, 1 is possible,
r3c7, impossible (r3c5)
r3c8, impossible (r3c5)

Box6: empty cells: r4c8, r5c8, r6c8, r6c9:
r4c8, impossible (r4c3)
r5c8, impossible: the only place where a 1 can go in box 3 is in column 8.
r6c8, impssible (same reason as r5c8)
r6c9, 1 is possible
Posts: 469
Joined: 08 April 2005

Postby causbrite » Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:16 pm

As soon as I read the first line, I saw it!, idiot, bloody, I am. Cheerz
Posts: 20
Joined: 29 March 2005

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