Okay Marty. Let's take one thing at a time ... starting with your Remote Pair on <79>. Cell "B" contains <59> and can't be part of a Remote Pair on <79>. Since your original chain contained r3c79, I assumed that you were transporting <7> through r3c7 and that you were transporting <9> through r3c9.
- Code: Select all
| 1 79 4 | 235 235 23 | 8 C79 6 |
| 79 5 8 | 1 679 679 | 4 2 3 |
| 6 3 2 | 8 A79 4 | b57 1 B59 |
| 2579 4 3 | 279 279 8 | 1 6 59 |
| 8 79 579 | 3679 1 3679 | 357 4 2 |
| 279 1 6 | 4 2379 5 | 37 D79 8 |
| 4579 2 579 | 3579 34579 379 | 6 8 1 |
| 45 8 15 | 256 2456 126 | 9 3 7 |
| 3 6 179 | 79 8 179 | 2 5 4 |
# 69 eliminations remain
As for notation, your =/- usage was in error; i.e., reversed. This caused me to miss how r6c5<>79 could occur. Also, when you talk about a structure
and a transport, it'd be easier on the rest of us if you wrote the structure at the start of the chain and the transport at the end (whenever possible). Example:
- Code: Select all
(79): [ r6c8 = r1c8 - r3c79 = r3c5 ] - r2c56 = r2c1 => r6c15<>79