Here is a 32-clue Sudoku, which I couldn´t solve. (difficultiy is: "very hard" # 648929)
|2 . .|
- Code: Select all
|. . 7|4 2 .|. 6 .|
|2 . .|. 8 5|. . .|
|. . 3|. . 9|4 . 2|
|. 4 5|. . .|. . 1|
|9 8 .|. . 4|. 5 3|
|7 . .|. . .|8 9 .|
|4 . 8|9 . .|2 . .|
|. . .|7 3 .|. . 6|
|. 7 .|. 4 2|9 . .|
I hardly found hidden singles (only 20) - so I had to do pencilmarking (29 cells!):
- Code: Select all
|8.. 159 7..|4.... 2.. 13.|135 6. 59|
|2.. 169 4..|136.. 8.. 5..|13. 17 79|
|156 156 3..|16... 7.. 9..|4.. 8. 2.|
|3.. 4.. 5..|8.... 9.. 7..|6.. 2. 1.|
|9.. 8.. 126|126.. 16. 4..|7.. 5. 3.|
|7.. 16. 126|12356 156 136|8.. 9. 4.|
|4.. 3.. 8..|9.... 156 16.|2.. 17 57|
|15. 2.. 9..|7.... 3.. 8..|15. 4. 6.|
|156 7.. 16.|156.. 4.. 2..|9.. 3. 8.|
I need a lot of tips, because I have --- LESS than no BRAIN --- LESS than NO logical understanding --- LESS than NO memory!
Any hints are appreciated! Thanks in advance