The Lord of Sudoku (Free app, very hard Sudokus)

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

The Lord of Sudoku (Free app, very hard Sudokus)

Postby Decmag » Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:40 pm

Hi everyone,

I put an unreasonably large amount of effort and time into developing another Sudoku App for Android. I do however think that I did some critical things differently; the general goal was to achieve more depth for the whole game by explaining strategy groups and the definitions of the difficulties, providing sophisticated tools and achievements (which are more original than 'solve 100 riddles'). Atmosphere, music and graphics also received a lot of attention in order to make solving more comfortable. Being a mathematician, I also wanted the hardest puzzles in my app to be harder or at least as hard as any other puzzles in other apps. So far, that requirement seems to be fulfilled; the logic-only solver, which is also used in the creation of new Sudokus, could solve all puzzles I provided him from other sources. I grouped a number of advanced solving techniques which use similar argumentaion together while restricting the necessary effort and called that technique 'Two Way Comparison'.

But I have less experience with the variety of strategies than many of you have; I'd like to receive some criticism both concerning the mentioned aggregation of strategies and my claim to have the hardest riddles of them all. Feel free to check the 'Lord of Sudoku' at
The app is free, but accessing the highest difficulty requires an in-app purchase. I will however grant temporary access to the expert level to anybody interested in testing the difficulty for the aforementioned purpose.

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Joined: 01 July 2017

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