The French Pairs...

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Postby coloin » Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:56 am

udosuk wrote:coloin, I don't think this could preclude 1 & 2 in both r1c4 & r4c1, unless you can somehow prove that r1c1 & r4c4 must have different values (as tso has demonstrated above)...

Thanks for that - absolutely.

Papy wrote:I have wriiten a Valid Gid and 17 clues Sudohu generator
Are sone people interrested to TEST it?

It does generate 17s - amazingly !

Im not sure how - but I think we should continue this thread to the solver program forum New Challenge

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Location: Devon

French Pairs are back

Postby Papy » Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:20 am

The French pairs is not an correct elimination method
It sure: thanks to you

But Sometime It works!
If the value of the cell, in fact are different the elimination is good
So I transform the elipmination method in guessing method.

1- You identify the pair
2- You remove the two candidats from the other two corner
3- You try to solve
a- The elimination was Good so you continue
b- Elimination was not good you return 10 2 1

2- 1 you remove the two candidats from ONE corner only GOTO 3
2- 2 you remove the rwo candidats from the OTHER corner Goto 3
2- 3 You remove ONE candidat of the first corner GOTO 3
2- 4 You remove the Second candidat of the first corner GOTO 3
2- 5 You remove ONE candidat of the second corner GOTO 3
2- 6 You remove the Second candidat of the second corner GOTO 3

Posts: 131
Joined: 15 August 2006


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