The Board Game: confused

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

The Board Game: confused

Postby billh » Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:06 am

I bought the Sudoku "The Board Game" for my son for Christmas and I am confused about the rules. It is a multiplayer game for 1 to 4 players. The main rule is the same as regular Sudoku, but there is another rule called "Challenging" which says, "On your turn you may challenge a number that has been previously placed. Simply erase the number and take your turn by placing another number in that location or anywhere else on the board. DO NOT look at the solution to the puzzle until the end of the game."

Well, my 8 year old figured out it was a good idea to challenge every single move! So at the beginning of his turn, he erases one of my numbers and writes down one of his. You can see how it turns into an endless loop if we challenge every single turn! I just don't get it. Help!

The rule for winning is "Players get a point for every correct number/location made in their color marker. The player with the most points wins."
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Postby ab » Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:35 am

presumably challenging only works if the number placed was wrong. If you keep a record of challenges and it turns out that the numbers placed were correct, you should score points for them.
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Postby MCC » Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:36 pm

I wonder what the 8 year old is thinking - (Think bubble) - Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring - What can I do to make it more interesting to me - I know:idea:

What age range is the puzzle for? And who did you buy the puzzle for, you or your son?

Your son does not want to play, he cannot see who is winning so why bother playing, and he has a legitimate rule 'Challenging' in which to goad you, so he does, hoping you'll stop playing the game with him.

If you stop taking the game so seriously, and adapt the rules to suit, you might get your son to play.

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Postby billh » Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:40 pm

MCC wrote:I wonder what the 8 year old is thinking - (Think bubble) - Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring - What can I do to make it more interesting to me - I know:idea:

What age range is the puzzle for? And who did you buy the puzzle for, you or your son?

Your son does not want to play, he cannot see who is winning so why bother playing, and he has a legitimate rule 'Challenging' in which to goad you, so he does, hoping you'll stop playing the game with him.

If you stop taking the game so seriously, and adapt the rules to suit, you might get your son to play.


He's the one who suggested it, and we are having fun. I'm just not clear we are playing it correctly since we haven't been able to complete a game, and seems like no end in sight. Box says age 8+. We'll try playing challenge only if the number placed is incorrect.

I'm a little leery of the rules since they stated the main rule of unique digits only in terms of each row and column, left out each 3x3 box.
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Joined: 26 March 2006

Postby MCC » Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:29 pm

Ok Bill, since your son is enjoying himself I'll take back my reply.

Re the rules: There are four constraints in a normal Sudoku; Row; Column; Box and Unique solution. In your game, if someone Challenges a correct move and replaces it with their own number there will, sooner or later, lead to two numbers appearing in a row, column or box.
So one of these constraints must go; the game makers therefore have removed the box constraint, leaving just the row and column constraints.
But what of uniqueness?
Having just two constraints, I think leads to a puzzle having more than one solution, so uniqueness must go. Which makes any solutions provided, redundant.

So Bill, if solutions are provided then I think the box constraint must apply.
Therefore to use the 'Challenge' correctly you must not replace the number deleted but place a number elsewhere.

It seems to me that the last player, in a round, to place a number should eventually win the game or, as you have found out, into a loop of delete and placement.

It seems to me that the game makers have not actually played the game to see if there are any problems with it.

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Postby Pappocom » Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:46 pm

In the rush to meet the Christmas market, some manufacturers and publishers foisted a lot of Sudoku Drivel on an unwitting public.

- Wayne
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Postby ab » Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:54 pm

Try plying the game I suggested in this thread:
No need to buy any equipment, you just need pens and paper.
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