Techniques by difficulty level

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Techniques by difficulty level

Postby Pupp » Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:58 am

I'm still trying to brush up on Sudoku after my long absence.

Can someone point me to a list of Sudoku techniques by difficulty level?

Specifically, beginner techniques. I remember I didn't master all the beginner techniques, which would be the next level up from the Trivial stuff.

I think if I master those, I should be on solid ground to solve problems rated 6.0 SE to 6.5 SE without difficulty.

Quads, X-wings, and Skyscrapers would examples of beginner level stuff. If I recall, there was a list of around 20 or so things to master before intermediate level stuff.

Any list is somewhat objective: the techniques range from close to trivial, and some are closer to intermediate level... and everything in between. But any list gives a person an objective goal to try and master before delving into a more difficult set of techniques.
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Joined: 18 October 2019

Re: Techniques by difficulty level

Postby Hajime » Tue Jun 15, 2021 5:40 pm

Hi Pupp, this was answered to you in another topic:
rjamil wrote:Hi Pupp,

Are you referring to this post?

R. Jamil

What do you need more?
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Re: Techniques by difficulty level

Postby Pupp » Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:04 pm

Yes. Thanks. That also anwers my other question about SE rating.
Posts: 246
Joined: 18 October 2019

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