champagne wrote:
I would agree that many features in that program are irritating. (i can even say that I strongly disagree on some view of the hierachy in chains)
If we try to go back at the time where the program has been written, i guess that Nicolas Juillerat tried to find in priority some rating rules not sensitive to morphs.
Just considering that point, part of the rating scale can be explained.
but it does not make easier the production of a clone.
Hi Chapagne,
I always find your comments balanced.
I don't mean to be too disparaging of SE. Nicolas J created something that at this point I am not capable of - if only because I haven't coded any advanced techniques.
But I have always felt that with this project it was the perfect time to revisit the rating scale and performance. Clearly the performance of whatever PI, lk, you and anyone else who chips in, come up with, will blow SE away which is great.
Regarding the rating scale, all you guys who are in the sudoku forums have a lot of knowledge and experience and "instinctively know", or otherwise, where difficulty levels lie. Why is your collective knowledge being ignored?
Whenever there has been mention of changing the ratings there seems to be quite a lot of resistance. A lot from Ron - a perception, sorry if I am mistaken - and yet Ron you said, in the 5th post of this thread :
In the end, duplicating the solution path of Sudoku Explainer will, I believe, be the most difficult challenge. If that doesn't happen, ratings would assuredly change. However, if the compiled Explainer is really fast, we might not mind recalculating some ratings.
Why the change?
I push this line because the "project", although progressed a good way, seems to bog down around duplicating SE ratings.
I don't mean to be negative towards what has been done so far either. There will be a much better performing rating engine soon enough... I guess I am a bit too much of a purist.
On another point, the issue of attaining equivalent ratings of morphs is easily solved - as I think Danny mentioned - rate the minlex puzzle - so simple. This has been another sticking point to progress. There is discussion either way, but no one makes a decision - we are like a government committee...