Superior Number 3

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Superior Number 3

Postby steve » Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:49 pm

Can anyone help please - I simply cannot find any doubles or triples to get me going!
Thanks in advance

| 678 9 478 | 478 1 2 | 5 46 3 |
| 5 24678 1 | 3 78 48 | 678 9 24678 |
| 2378 23478 23478 | 5 9 6 | 78 24 1 |
| 12367 23467 9 | 467 367 34 | 1367 8 5 |
| 3678 34678 3478 | 2 5 1 | 9 346 467 |
| 1367 5 347 | 4678 3678 9 |2 1346 467 |
| 4 2378 23578 | 9 2368 38 | 1368 12356 268 |
| 238 1 2358 | 68 2368 7 | 4 2356 9 |
| 9 238 6 | 1 4 5 | 38 7 28 |
Posts: 10
Joined: 24 March 2005

Postby angusj » Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:02 pm

Look for an X-wing on 2s.
Posts: 306
Joined: 12 June 2005

Postby CathyW » Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:17 pm

Angus beat me to it because it took me a while to spot the x-wing! There are also locked candidates (8s) in block 5. This with the x-wing (for 2s) enables placement of r4,c1. Then there's lots of hidden singles.
Posts: 316
Joined: 20 June 2005

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