3. With the interpretation of you guys I have difficulty in finding much humour out of this joke. (So a skeleton asks the bartender to lend him "a mug", which is a pun to "a face", and then what? So he wears it and drinks the beer? What's so funny about that?)
the joke is there is many ways to take what the skeleton asked
double untaundra(spelling i cant recal how to spell this expression).
which means- two meanings
needs a mug for the beer and lacking a "face" as well.
the humor in it is
trying to figure out which way he ment.
A bartender hands a skeleton a beer and retorts "now thats a perfect mug"
"thats a mug i'd die for"
Donm there is also these ones still used in american newer movies set in diffrent eras.
occasionally tv shows will still cough up these ones now and again.
(mustly in cop shows)
"i'd recognize that mug anywhere"
show a picture and ask -"know this mug?"