Sudopedia started

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Sudopedia started

Postby Ruud » Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:37 pm

Hi all,

New members of this forum often ask the same questions, and then need to be referred to old and forgotten topics.

Sometimes they can be pointed to other sources of information, such as Wikipedia or the excellent solving guides by Angusj and Simes.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to organize the vast amount of knowledge posted here and on the programmers forum. Bits and pieces have been moved to Wikipedia, but the subject is too specialized to get into much detail there.

So I set up the Sudopedia at

Everything has been setup properly and I even put some ideas about a preliminary outline on the main page. There are and will be no ads in the future.

Content is still missing, so I invite you all to collect your best material here on the forum and submit it to the Sudopedia. Together we can make this work.

Posts: 664
Joined: 28 October 2005

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