Glyn wrote:Incidentally, talking of extra windows, the 4 of the NRC give 9 more groups: Could another set off 4 windows be added, shifted in diagonally from the NRC pattern reducing the givens further, or would they be redundant?
The extra 4 windows you proposed would be overlapping each other:
r345c345, r345c567, r567c345, r567c567
I don't see these 4 overlapping windows producing any hidden groups, but they're certainly not redundant. An example solution grid would be like this:
- Code: Select all
Don't know if this variant can reduce the givens further, but without ordering the symbols (e.g. non-consecutiveness) the best you can do is a puzzle with 8 givens. With ordering/arithmetic context I have created puzzles with one shaded cell only and no numeric given whatsoever.

Keith wrote:I am not sure that I am at fault for not figuring out the meaning of the shaded boxes.
Opinion accepted. Certainly some people are more imaginative than others and it's definitely not a "fault" for being not imaginative enough. The magazine should have cater for the broad range of flight passengers who might not all have the imaginativity to figure out the meaning of those shaded boxes. Case closed.