qiuyanzhe wrote:How does this make sense?
There are 3 bands, but only 2 stacks (towers) ...
Reflecting about the diagonal destroys the "all box cells have different values" property
qiuyanzhe wrote:How does this make sense?
Mathimagics wrote:.
This is probably nothing new, but the standard Sudoku symmetry group (275 conjugacy classes, 3359232 members) can be generated from just 3 permutations, which is cool!![]()
- rotate 90
- swap rows 1,2
- swap bands 1,2
Mathimagics wrote:
There are 3 bands, but only 2 stacks (towers) ...
qiuyanzhe wrote:I was talking about the standard 9*9 grid. I am sure that's true, but I wonder how it can be used.
Mathimagics wrote:But the REALLY interesting thing is that, once again, the group can be generated by just 3 permutations!
qiuyanzhe wrote:a:Swapping rows 12
b:Swapping bands 12
c:Switch bands (1234) to bands (1342), then switch rows (1234) in band 1 to rows (1342), and the same for columns and stacks, then flip along main diagonal.
A : swap (band 1) rows 1 & 2
cycle bands 2,3,4 "down" (2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 2)
A^4 does only the band cycle
A^3 does only the row swap
B : cycle (band 1) rows 2,3,4 "down" (2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 2)
swap bands 2 & 3
B^4 does only the row cycle
B^3 does only the band swap
C : quarter turn clockwise
qiuyanzhe wrote:I am still holding the opinion that "flip" is better than "rotate".
It has period 2, and it is easier to tell what a cell contains after/before flipping than rotating.