Sudoku Swami video training

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Sudoku Swami video training

Postby VMSguy1 » Mon May 28, 2018 7:54 pm

For new folks here there is a guy that just started (2018) making videos on basic Sudoku solving techniques. He does everything via video so you'll need to take your own notes but he goes into great detail explaining the solving techniques and why they work then does a great many examples. If your new to Sudoku you should check him out.
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Joined: 16 May 2018

Re: Sudoku Swami video training

Postby atrotta » Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:14 pm

I rushed through the course and I find it very useful, even if I already went through Andrew Stuart's lessons. Now the course is up to a lesson on xy-chains and there are a lot of lessons still to be published. I believe it is a must for any people who wants to deepen the knowledge of this wonderful game: there are lots of tips shown that really help on how to spot the different patterns, that I think is the most difficult thing when advanced techniques are concerned.
My suggestion is to subscribe to his YouTube channel to stay updated on new issues.
Hope being useful
Posts: 7
Joined: 18 August 2018

Re: Sudoku Swami video training

Postby ghfick » Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:12 am

Sudoku Swami's site is first rate. His videos are clear, very detailed and authoritative. He uses Sudopedia terminology throughout with some thoughtful additions. His additions provide clarity and insights. His videos are now up to and including very thorough presentations of AICs and Continuous Loops. He has plans to begin further videos on more advanced methods. Highly recommended even if you think you 'understand' all of the techniques he discusses.
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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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