Sudoku solved in world record time?

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Sudoku solved in world record time?

Postby 999_Springs » Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:30 pm

So. Last night I got bored and decided to work on the fiendish Su-Doku that is provided daily by The Times newspaper. However, this time I managed to do it so fast that it created a time warp. Despite messing up the puzzle originally due to misreading my pencilmarks, when I'd finished it, my solving time was MINUS 49 minutes and 41 seconds. I suspect this may be a new world record time.

Here's the puzzle:
Code: Select all

ER = A pathetic 1.5.

Go on. See if you can beat my best time.
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Re: Sudoku solved in world record time?

Postby m_b_metcalf » Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:52 am

999_Springs wrote:Go on. See if you can beat my best time.

I will. But I'll wait until the 30th October next year.


Mike Metcalf
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