Sudoku solution made entirely of "deadly" patterns

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Sudoku solution made entirely of "deadly" patterns

Postby r.e.s. » Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:43 pm

Can anyone find a Sudoku solution grid composed *entirely* of four-digit patterns of the type
Code: Select all
     a  b

     b  a

where the digits are on the corners of a rectangle with one ab-pair in one 3x3 box and the other ab-pair in another 3x3 box? I.e., every digit in the solution is one of four digits in such a pattern. The closest I've found so far is the solution to the following puzzle (where I've used just the four-digit patterns themselves as clues):
Code: Select all
. 2 1 | 7 4 8 | 6 3 .
5 8 6 | 9 3 2 | 1 4 7
4 7 3 | . . 1 | 2 . .
8 . 2 | . . . | . 7 4
3 1 4 | 8 . 7 | . . 2
. 5 9 | . . . | . . .
6 9 5 | . 8 4 | 7 . 1
2 4 8 | 1 . 5 | 3 9 .
1 3 7 | 2 . 9 | 4 5 .
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Postby bennys » Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:41 am

As far as I know 81 is not divided by 4
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Postby r.e.s. » Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:53 am

bennys wrote:As far as I know 81 is not divided by 4

It isn't apparent that such a solution would require 81 to be divisible by 4, because a cell can be in more than one pattern (i.e., the patterns can overlap).
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unavoidable sets

Postby Moschopulus » Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:27 pm

So you want a completed grid where each digit is a member of an unavoidable set of size 4.

You will need at least 21 unavoidable sets of size 4.

The grid in the first post here (the "Grid not containing a 16" thread)

has 20 unavoidable sets of size 4. That's the highest number I've seen, but I haven't done a big search or anything.
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Re: unavoidable sets

Postby r.e.s. » Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:07 pm

Moschopulus wrote:The grid in the first post here (the "Grid not containing a 16" thread) has 20 unavoidable sets of size 4. That's the highest number I've seen, but I haven't done a big search or anything.

Thanks, I hadn't read that thread. In the present context, that solution grid is an improvement over the one specified above -- but not by much (if I haven't miscounted, it falls short of the goal by 26 cells, compared to 27 for the one above).

Not surprisingly (considering how you made it), this one can't be presented like the one above, with just the pattern-digits shown as clues ...
Code: Select all
9 . 7 | 8 5 . | 2 . 1
5 6 2 | 1 9 . | 3 8 7
. 8 1 | 2 7 . | 5 6 9
8 . 3 | 6 4 . | 9 . 5
. . 5 | 9 3 . | 4 . 8
7 . 9 | 5 8 1 | . . 3
3 . 8 | 4 6 . | 1 . 2
1 . 6 | . 2 . | 8 3 4
2 . 4 | . 1 8 | . . 6

... because this partial grid does not have a unique solution, due to some 6-cell unavoidable sets that are disjoint from the 4-cell ones.
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Postby Moschopulus » Fri Dec 09, 2005 10:55 pm

At least that's something. Since that grid is 26 cells short, there's a fair bit of overlap between the 4-sets. I doubt very much if your grid exists. Generally speaking, a high number of unavoidable 4-sets will correspond to a high MCN (MCN = clique number = max number of pairwise disjoint unavoidables). That grid (MG) has MCN = 15, and 20 4-sets. The highest MCN I've ever seen is 15, so I doubt if any grid has many more than 20 4-sets, and probably all grids will fall short. Of course that's not a proof....

The program UNAVOID from will find unavoidable sets, and the MCN, and give a max clique. (It's contained in Any questions, just ask.) Usually a max clique consists of a fair number of 4-sets, but bigger sets as well.

This post gives MCNs of a load of random grids.
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Postby r.e.s. » Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:11 pm

Moschopulus wrote:At least that's something. [..]

Definitely, and I thank you for the info & links. In my present unenlightenment, I still look for a grid that significantly reduces the current best value of 26 -- maybe I'll wise up after a bit more study.
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Postby dukuso » Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:31 am

these 4-unavoidables are inside one 3*9-chute.
So, we can examine the 416 bands and there is one
(#145, gangster #31) with 7 such sets and 22 cells
being involved:


now, choose a grid with all 3 bands being #145 and you have
66 cells being involved in some 4-unavoidable which
lies in a horizontal band. (grids with all 3 bands from the same
S-class do always exist)
Many(all?) of the remaining 15 cells can probably be covered
by the vertical 4-unavoidables

with B12347-method I found this one :

Code: Select all


with 10 uncovered cells and 30 4-unavoidables

(unchecked, there could be mistakes)
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Postby dukuso » Sat Dec 10, 2005 3:48 pm

here is one with all cells being in a 4-unavoidable :

Code: Select all

t-invariant, all chutes are #271, gangster 38
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Postby Moschopulus » Sat Dec 10, 2005 7:25 pm

Interesting! Good idea to use the bands. This has 36 unavoidable 4-sets. I didn't think any grid would have that many.

Even with so many 4-sets, the MCN of this grid is still only 15. Can you construct a grid with MCN = 16?
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Postby dukuso » Sun Dec 11, 2005 4:54 pm

this one should have MCN >=16 :

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Postby Moschopulus » Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:38 pm

Yes it does. Excellent! Which gangsters are they?

I can't resist the next (rather obvious) question....can you construct a grid with MCN = 17?
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Postby dukuso » Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:03 pm

chutes 97,139,52
gangsters 28,31,33

this wasn't constructed, I just searched the t-invariant grids.
This takes about 1sec. per grid and nr. 906 was successful.
Searching a MCN=17, if it exists this way would presumably take days
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Postby r.e.s. » Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:53 pm

dukuso, Is there any particularly good link that would help me get up to speed on the techniques & terminology you're using? (B12347-method, gangsters, t-invariance, ...)
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Postby dukuso » Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:18 pm

most terms are only reused by me.
wikipedia,Frazer's page, search-button above are good references

B12347 : blocks 1,2,3,4 and 7 i.e. first band and stack

gangsters: 44 G-classes of 3*9-chutes
also 416 S-classes of 3*9-chutes
t-invariant: isomorphic to its transpose

(grr, do you people also have the problem, that the
editing window is gone after opening another window
e.g. for searching for links ?)

see also "sticky:basic terms" in some forum here.
I don't want to search the exact link, else I might
have to edit this post again...
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