Sudoku Slam website

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Sudoku Slam website

Postby sumo » Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:55 pm

Hi, I'm a grad student who enjoys Sudokus and programming. My officemate and I have made an online site on which to play Sudokus:

Of course, it's free (and ad-free). We are idealistic grad students, after all.

Anyway, frustrated by existing Sudoku websites, we've incorporated a number of features that aim to make solving sudokus on a computer more fun than solving them by hand. (If you've used Simple Sudoku, you're probably already convinced of this.)
- Highlight candidates
- Smart hints that explain the next incremental move
- Undo mistakes (reverts board to right before you first screwed up)
- Print to PDF
- Save/share this puzzle (saves your progress on a puzzle so that you can send it to a friend or resume it later)
- Autofill (depending on the setting, fills in a square if there's only one candidate for it, or fills in the last number in row, column, or box)
- Stats (average, best times for each difficulty)
- A nice user interface
- Can solve the puzzle with the mouse, the keyboard, or both
- Unlimited puzzles with guaranteed unique solutions (I would have thought this was a given, but apparently some sites have bogus puzzles)
- Ability to input your own puzzle (from a newspaper, for instance), and solve it using our interface and smart hints

Comments or suggestions are definitely welcome.
Posts: 1
Joined: 09 October 2006

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