Sudoku of the Day App {android}

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

Sudoku of the Day App {android}

Postby bloggeroliver » Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:52 pm

Hey people,

some time ago I here posted my website where daily different Sudokus are published. I now created an app for android where one can comfortably solve these. Would be happy if you check it out and hopefully like! The app an be downloaded for free from

Posts: 17
Joined: 24 October 2014

Re: Sudoku of the Day App {android}

Postby bloggeroliver » Fri Nov 06, 2015 12:57 pm

Over the last time I improved the app, and especially added an automatic solver where Sudokus can be solved step by step. As in my previous post about my blog, where I did the same (but the Android app is way better I admit), I would be really happy about feedback! How do you find the solving techniques presented, are there any crucial ones I should add (working on it)? Right now I use aside the trivial ones Hidden / Naked Pair and Triple, Candidate Line and XWing. (The solver for an existing Sudoku can be called over the options menu when solving the Sudoku.)
And again, I would be very interested in how you rate the difficulties of the published Sudokus. Every day I publish 5 unique Sudokus with different difficulties, is that about right?

Posts: 17
Joined: 24 October 2014

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