Sudoku maths - can mortals work it out for the 2x2 square ?

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Sudoku maths - can mortals work it out for the 2x2 square ?

Postby coloin » Fri May 06, 2005 1:12 am

Mathmatic challange for mortals [see the on going 3x3]

Given a 2x2 square

there are 4 boxes [ignore the centrall box !]


What are the total number of possibilities ?

I calculated up to 48 verified grids ! I may well be wrong on this !!!!
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Location: Devon

Postby Guest » Fri May 06, 2005 8:41 pm

Not to be difficult, but your example is not a valid 2x2
is not a valid upper left box.

Number of possibilities:
Upper left (UL) box: 4! = 24
UR box given each UL: 2x2 = 4
Lower Left (LL) box given each UL = 4
LR box given LL,UR = Either 0 or 1

Therefore there are >24*4*4 candidates, or >374.

Sample where LR is unfillable:

12 43
34 12

23 ??
41 ??

where two boxes in LL cannot be filled by any number.

If you look at the 16 possibilities for UL and LR, given each arrrangement of UL (of which there are 24), it turns out that 4 of them result in an unfillable LR. Therefore there are 12 that are good, for a total number of valid answers of 12*24=288.

{That's a MUCH easier puzzle to do than the 3x3.}

Directory Enquires

Postby coloin » Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:50 pm

Maybe mere mortals can !!!!

I suggested the number 192 some time ago on the programmers forum

I think I "number crunched" it on a sheet of A4 and counted the solutions - I was sure it was right at the time.
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Location: Devon

Re: Directory Enquires

Postby tannedblondbloke » Sat Jun 11, 2005 7:06 am

coloin wrote:Maybe mere mortals can !!!!

I suggested the number 192 some time ago on the programmers forum

I think I "number crunched" it on a sheet of A4 and counted the solutions - I was sure it was right at the time.

I thought it was 192 - see my post of 5 June within this thread on the programmer's forum.
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Postby Animator » Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:05 am

The correct number is 288...

You can easily confirm this number by brute forcing it...
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Postby Guest » Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:36 pm

Are rotations and reflections counted as seperate?
Is this the same as:-
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A counting method

Postby geoff » Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:20 pm

A neat way of counting.

Consider grids of the type

AB | xx
Cx | xx
xx | Dx
xx | x E

where A,B,C are different, D and E are different. There are 288 of these and each gives a unique solution. Therefore 288 solutions.
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Postby Ekuuleus » Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:32 pm

Good work
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Joined: 29 November 2005

Postby Nick70 » Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:33 pm

There are only two essentially different grids. Proof is here.
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