I can indeed take mockery but i really won't take it from low life scum of the earth like you. if you really want to correct me on my spelling/grammar, then ask me, don't go to your younger accquaintence. Anyhow, your younger accquaintance cannot translate my "text talk" into "normal english" This is how my message should read in "normal english"
Who here loves sudoku?
tell me your views on sudoku!
what's your way of solving it?
talk to me and be my sudoku mate!
Now, unless that are you are 10000345916536591691356190368951691 years old and your species are longer extinct, then even the least abled bodied can understand the slightest "text talk"
see, not that hard!
and anyway, shouldn't we be talking about sudoku? not telling me how to spell and use correct grammar! And don't you dare say that I am an unexperienced reader, although I am 13, I can assure you that my teachers and family will tell you that I could read as good as any adult, including you! just because you are an old fuddy duddy who is highly spoken for, it doesn't mean that you can mock me. If you haven't noticed, I am a 13 year old child, and these days this is how children talk. Around 90% have a mobile phone, and are glued to it. You were just unlucky to meet one of thaose 10% who DO have a phone but rarely use it. In future, please do not refer to me as the mentalkid. Imagine a kid on this website, who actually has mental problems. You would make them feel small, you great big ogre! What kind of name is Simes? At least my name-sudokudwlali has something to do with the art of sudoku! Have you done my poll? No, probably not, because you probably take 4.5 hours to do it
i honestly dont mean to be cheeky or rude, but people like you make my blood boil. Just because I am young, you think it's right for you to mock me and soforth. If you do not wish to speak to me, or can't understand, ask POLITELY.
At least Karyobin has apologized to me and has admitted that I am a model student, even though she doesnt know me. Why are you like this? Why not apologize and make peace, instead of futher mockery?
I can assure you that I am a bright kid, and have only joined on this website because I want to talk to others that share my interests of Sudoku. If I cannot enjoy this then thank yourself Mr/Mrs Toff, you have ruined my fun.
People are always moaning these days that childern are glued to the tv screens, or some other bad things, isnt it a good thing that one of my interests is SuDoku
I eagerly await your reply.