"Sudoku in error" is made and published by Helena & Johan Jager more than a decade ago.
But I did not find this puzzle on this forum and he is really nice.
This Sudoku is designed wrong and is full of mistakes.
You can see in column 8 there are two 1's.
One 1 must be in error but you do not (yet) know which is in error.
Additional rules:
1. Per row, column and box there is exactly one mistake.
2. Each mistake conflicts 3 times: in a row, in a column and in a box.
3. Each mistake conflicts with other cells that are all correct.
4. Within a box a mistake will never conflict with another number on the same row or column
5. Digits 1 to 9 are all in error exactly once.
6. Digits 1 to 9 are present nine times each.
The challenge: solve the Sudoku in error.
Errors should not be corrected ! (You have to make extra errors yourself)
There is only 1 solution.
More tips: