Sudoku for android that can open *.sdm files?

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Sudoku for android that can open *.sdm files?

Postby Pupp » Sat Jul 18, 2020 4:46 am

Can anybody suggest an android sudoku app that can import *.sdm files?

10,000 Sudoku's Plus has issues with that, and I haven't gotten any feedback from the developers.
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Re: Sudoku for android that can open *.sdm files?

Postby 1to9only » Sat Jul 18, 2020 8:02 am

Can Do anybody you suggest have an android sudoku app that can import *.sdm sudokus in user files?

Look into converting *.sdm files into the format supported by the android sudoku app.
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Re: Sudoku for android that can open *.sdm files?

Postby 1to9only » Sat Jul 18, 2020 8:06 am

Pupp wrote:Can anybody suggest an android sudoku app that can import *.sdm files?.

1to9only wrote:Can Do anybody you suggest have an android sudoku app that can import *.sdm sudokus in user files?

No. I don't do sudoku on android.
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Re: Sudoku for android that can open *.sdm files?

Postby Pupp » Sat Jul 18, 2020 5:57 pm

1to9only wrote:Can Do anybody you suggest have an android sudoku app that can import *.sdm sudokus in user files?

Look into converting *.sdm files into the format supported by the android sudoku app.

Right now, as far as I can tell, 10,000 Sudokus Plus can only import it's proprietary format *.1gsudoky

A quick look at the file contents shows it's a far different setup (even if it is in ascii), from *.sdm

I haven't been able to find any other file collections on the internet that's not either *.sdm or just straight ascii text, with no actual file format. The one and only *.1gsudoku formated file I could find was "Beyond Nightmare" collection for 10,000 Sudokus, which was a direct link from the app. (Even then I had to jump through hoops to get 10,000 Sudokus to import the file.)
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Re: Sudoku for android that can open *.sdm files?

Postby 1to9only » Sat Jul 18, 2020 7:02 pm

Pupp wrote: as far as I can tell, 10,000 Sudokus Plus can only import it's proprietary format *.1gsudoky

The 1gsudoku format appears to be an XML file in the form:
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE onegravitysudoku SYSTEM "">

<onegravitysudoku version="1">
  <name>My Sudokus Packs</name>

<folder name="Very Easy Pack 1" difficulty="VERY_EASY" type="NORMAL">
<sudoku state='NOT_PLAYED' type='NORMAL' difficulty='VERY_EASY' rating='1.2' created='1595096711124' time_played='0' last_played='0' data='090400000200010000004003800400800500080000020001007003003500400000030070000009002' puzzle_note=''/> 090400000200010000004003800400800500080000020001007003003500400000030070000009002

<folder name="Very Easy Pack 2" difficulty="VERY_EASY" type="NORMAL">
<sudoku state='NOT_PLAYED' type='NORMAL' difficulty='VERY_EASY' rating='1.2' created='1595096711124' time_played='0' last_played='0' data='090400000200010000004003800400800500080000020001007003003500400000030070000009002' puzzle_note=''/> 090400000200010000004003800400800500080000020001007003003500400000030070000009002

From a quick look: 'rating' seems to be the Sudoku Explainer rating, 'created' seems to be the create time in clock ticks (seconds) from January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 (UTC) the format looks like 'ssssssssssmmm' where ssssssssss is seconds and mmm is milliseconds.

The example puzzle is the dealer pattern from Patterns Game 390.

You can try create an import file of a few sudokus...
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Re: Sudoku for android that can open *.sdm files?

Postby Pupp » Sun Jul 19, 2020 6:04 am

I dunno. It has some sort of weird error about the URL, even though the *.sdm files are bereft of anything other than digits. Plus.... SudoCue on Windows 10 has ZERO issues with opening the *.sdm files. So the issue is with 10,000 Sudokus app (android).
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Re: Sudoku for android that can open *.sdm files?

Postby tarek » Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:55 am

Pupp you must be the only android user with that strange app that nobody seems to be using!

Players here have mostly settled into their preferred apps during the past 15 years.

The lack of active users in this forum coupled with what I mentioned above is the reason behind this limited response.

I personally NEVER used a sudoku program except on a desktop

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Re: Sudoku for android that can open *.sdm files?

Postby Pupp » Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:02 pm

tarek wrote:Pupp you must be the only android user with that strange app that nobody seems to be using!

Players here have mostly settled into their preferred apps during the past 15 years.

The lack of active users in this forum coupled with what I mentioned above is the reason behind this limited response.

I personally NEVER used a sudoku program except on a desktop


I've only been playing Sudoku for a few months, and only recently started pushing myself to solve harder and harder puzzles. That being said, I just download a few Sudoku apps a few months back and 10,000 Sudokus popped up near the top of the Google Play list, and I liked the app. I only realized recently that it could import puzzles at all. I did download a couple other Sudoku apps the other day after coming across some suggestions on this forum, looking at threads by other users.

I can't complain too much, I'm sure between the regular 10,000 normal Sudoku puzzles, and installing the well over 4000 "Beyond Nightmare" puzzles, I'm set for life. I'm not familiar with the Sudoku Explainer rating system, but according to the description, all the "Beyond Nightmare" puzzles are just over 10, to just under 12 in difficulty. Also, the 10,000 Sudoku app has 5,000 variant puzzles. I think 10 different variants if I recall, but I haven't really looked at those yet. I think the hardest Beyond Nightmare puzzles are rated 11.8 or 11.9, although there are only of few of those, according to the description.

But it would be nice to be able to play specific types of collections, like the nearly 50,0000 "17 clue" puzzles collection, another collection of "Symmetrical" puzzles, and collection of 160 puzzles from The Times (London). Almost forgot, also a collection of 50,000 puzzles designed to test sudoku solvers. (Primarily intended for programmers, but all are solvable by humans.)

I think 10,000 Sudokus has plenty of room for improvement as an app, and I don't think it really qualifies as an app for learning Sudoku techniques, but it's decent outside of that. I mainly got the paid version because it was the first Sudoku app I came across that I liked and had an option to get rid of adverts. There are Sudoku apps that do a genuine good job of teaching Sudoku techniques. Supposedly 10,000 Sudokus will show you a technique if the puzzle warrants it, but I'd describe that function as dismal. But if your looking for an adequate sudoku app that has way more puzzles than you need, it fits the bill. I think 10,000 Sudokus only checks for a large number of techniques, and if it finds one, will show you how to implement the technique... but it's dismal in it's execution of that function, in my opinion.
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Re: Sudoku for android that can open *.sdm files?

Postby enxio27 » Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:08 pm

As I said, it's been a while since I used any of the sudoku apps I have installed on my phone. As I recall, OpenSudoku will import .SDM files. I'll take another look at what I have and see what I can come up with for you.
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Re: Sudoku for android that can open *.sdm files?

Postby Pupp » Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:22 pm

Several people have posted on Google Play complaining about the app not importing files very well. :(
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Re: Sudoku for android that can open *.sdm files?

Postby tarek » Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:44 am

It appears that this android is the barrier between you and enjoying your new found interest!
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