Hello everyone - I'm really hoping you might be able to give me a bit of advice!
I've started a website www.onegirloneyear.co.uk and am trying to make £10,000 in a year to pay off my debts. Someone is going to match every penny I make and give it to charity - so the pressure is on!
I'm a big Sudoku fan, so thought to make a Sudoku pencil to carry around in my bag would be a good plan. I'm a bit impulsive, so got 500 of these pencils made up - maybe not my best move! Does anyone have any idea how to sell them, or who to give them to, or what I could do with them?
I tried to put them on e-bay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6021006107&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1 - but I did it all wrong and only put 1 on there!
Any advice, ideas, anything would be really appreciated. At least I have an unlimited supply to do my puzzles! x