Sudoku App for Android + Free Points for Users of this Forum

Sudoku puzzles, off-site games and other resources on the Internet

Sudoku App for Android + Free Points for Users of this Forum

Postby bloggeroliver » Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:02 pm

Hey guys!

A long time ago I already presented a first version of my Sudoku app for Android - now quite a lot has changed and I would like to use the opportunity to advertise the new version here again.
In my opinion it is plain and simple, but one of the best Sudoku apps out there. I would be very happy if some of you happen to like it, for feedback and criticism I am always open!
With the app you can solve Sudokus and compare your times with others or let the app solve Sudokus for you. The Sudokus are sorted into 7 difficulty categories, in my opinion for beginners and experts there always is a challenge.
Recently I also introduced Bonus Sudokus, which can be unlocked with points earnable for playing. These add some extra spice to Sudokus, e.g. by rotating the field or constantly changing the symbols. I believe this proves demanging also for advanced players and is an interesting brain teaser, when one is used to solve "standard" Sudokus.
Note that the difficulty for these bonus Sudokus, as well as their properties are selected randomly, but according to your skill level (i.e. what Sudokus you normally solve). So in the beginning easy Sudokus will be generated, if you often solve extreme Sudokus the difficulty will adapt.
As a little thanks to this forum everybody using the bonus code "enjoysudoku" will get 1000 bonus points (in the main window go to Settings - Bonus Code).
The app of course is free and available on

Posts: 17
Joined: 24 October 2014

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