that extremely easy puzzle I couldn´t solve :
- Code: Select all
|4 . .|. 1 . |. . 8|
|. . 6|. . .|4 . 3|
|. 9 .|8 . 4|. . .|
|. . 7|. . .|. . 6|
|8 . .|7 . 6|. . 5|
|9 . .|. . .|8 . .|
|. . .|3 . 9|. 2 .|
|6 . 4|. . .|7 . .|
|3 . .|. 2 .|. . 4|
This Sudoku has 26 given numbers
Too less hidden singles I found, as you can see as followed:
- Code: Select all
|4.. 7. 235.|259.. 1... 235..|29.. 6.. 8.|
|125 8. 6...|259.. 7... 25...|4... 159 3.|
|125 9. 1235|8.... 6... 4....|12.. 157 27|
|125 34 7...|12459 3589 12358|1239 149 6.|
|8.. 34 12..|7.... 39.. 6....|1239 149 5.|
|9.. 6. 125.|1245. 35.. 1235.|8... 147 27|
|7.. 5. 8...|3.... 4... 9....|6... 2.. 1.|
|6.. 2. 4...|15... 58.. 158..|7... 3.. 9.|
|3.. 1. 9...|6.... 2... 7....|5... 8.. 4.|
I only found 21 hidden singles, so I had to pencilmark 34 (!!!) cells.
Any help is appreciated.