SuDoku 436 (Fiendish) Oct 27

All about puzzles in newspapers, magazines, and books

SuDoku 436 (Fiendish) Oct 27

Postby SuDokuKid » Fri Nov 04, 2005 6:22 pm

This is my second Fiendish. I am COMPLETELY stumped.

After finding THREE single candidates (in red) I penciled in all the candidates and haven't been able to crack it.

Can someone push me in the right direction?


{8}{356}{236} | {7}{4}{9} | {256}{1}{26}
{12357}{1357}{4} | {238}{6}{138} | {258}{2357}{9}
{12367}{1367}{9} | {238}{13}{5} | {2468}{23467}{24678}



Posts: 31
Joined: 02 November 2005

Postby simes » Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:22 pm

You need some candidate reduction.
Code: Select all
Block 5: row 4 must contain 3, removing 3 from candidates for r4c2, r4c3
Blocks 2 and 3 must contain 3 in rows 2 and 3 - removing 3 from candidates for r2c1, r3c1, r2c2, r3c2
Blocks 7 and 8 must contain 4 in rows 7 and 8 - removing 4 from candidates for r7c8, r8c8, r7c9

Posts: 324
Joined: 11 March 2005
Location: UK

Postby SuDokuKid » Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:30 pm

simes wrote:You need some candidate reduction.
Code: Select all
Block 5: row 4 must contain 3, removing 3 from candidates for r4c2, r4c3
Blocks 2 and 3 must contain 3 in rows 2 and 3 - removing 3 from candidates for r2c1, r3c1, r2c2, r3c2
Blocks 7 and 8 must contain 4 in rows 7 and 8 - removing 4 from candidates for r7c8, r8c8, r7c9


Wow! Thanks Simes!

I sure didn't look at the puzzle close enough. Thanks for getting me in the right direction.
Posts: 31
Joined: 02 November 2005

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