Sudoku^2: Has anybody attempted/done this before?

Notes on possible new logic puzzles

Sudoku^2: Has anybody attempted/done this before?

Postby tarek » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:29 am

This is mostly an Excercise for Large grid generators here & a good opportunity for DLX to show how it handles big grids.

It is simply a large grid sudoku variant: An 81*81 Sudoku with the usual 81 Rows, 81 Columns & 81 9*9 boxes. 81 clues (0-80)

This would now go one step further.

Each of the 9*9 boxes has 9 mini rows, 9 mini columns & 9 3*3 boxes (similar to vanilla)
Each mini box, row & column should have 9 different (MOD 9) values of its clues (0-8) making it a vanilla sudoku.
So you end up with a giant 81*81 sudoku that has 9 vanilla sudokus as well!!

Visually this can be appreciated if the (MOD 9) is added to the clue (so 9 becomes 9-0 and 80 becomes 80-8)
Or even better: Divide the 81 clues which are sorted incrementally into 9 groups of 9s (1-9). the group number is multiplied by 10 adding to it the MOD 9 value+1
( so 0 becomes 11, 8 becomes 19, 9 is 21 & 80 is 99). You end up with 81 different clues (11-99) replacing (0-80)

This is what the the 1st (top left) 9*9 box would look like in an MC grid
I've also extended the 1st line slightly to show more than just the 1st 9 cells for demonstration reasons
Code: Select all
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 ... 99
24 25 26 27 28 29 21 22 23         
37 38 39 31 32 33 34 35 36         
42 41 44 43 46 45 48 49 47         
53 56 55 58 59 57 52 51 54         
68 69 67 62 61 64 63 66 65         
75 73 71 76 74 72 79 77 78         
86 84 82 89 87 88 85 83 81         
99 97 98 95 93 91 96 94 92

Has this been attempted/done before ???

This also can be tested on any grid that has a line length which is the 4th Power of an integer (16*16 , 81*81 & 256*256)
16*16 should be a good starting point before expansion :D

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Re: Sudoku^2: Has anybody attempted/done this before?

Postby tarek » Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:46 pm

I'm currently working on the 16*16 version of this puzzle.
Because the 16 symbols are broken into 2 sets of 4 symbols ... It reminded me of the Setdoku.
This variant works as a multiple-in-one puzzle similar to Setdoku

You need a very special 16x16 sudoku grid. The 16 symbols are broken into 2 sets of 4 symbols:
(Symbol/4) & (Symbol Mod 4) ... You can give each set of symbols a different colour to make it more appealing.

you have 16 Rows, 16 Columns & 16 boxes to fill using 16 symbols using the sudoku rules
Each Box is now a 4*4 sudoku puzzle using the 4 symbols created from breaking down the original symbols
Because you have 2 sets of 4 symbols, then each Box has 2 4*4 Sudokus.

I think I managed to create an example

Here is the Special Grid
Code: Select all
1 6 B G  2 5 C F  3 8 9 E  4 7 A D 
C F 2 5  B G 1 6  A D 4 7  9 E 3 8 
7 4 D A  8 3 E 9  5 2 F C  6 1 G B 
E 9 8 3  D A 7 4  G B 6 1  F C 5 2 

2 5 C F  1 6 B G  4 7 A D  3 8 9 E 
B G 1 6  C F 2 5  9 E 3 8  A D 4 7 
8 3 E 9  7 4 D A  6 1 G B  5 2 F C 
D A 7 4  E 9 8 3  F C 5 2  G B 6 1 

3 8 9 E  4 7 A D  1 6 B G  2 5 C F 
A D 4 7  9 E 3 8  C F 2 5  B G 1 6 
5 2 F C  6 1 G B  7 4 D A  8 3 E 9 
G B 6 1  F C 5 2  E 9 8 3  D A 7 4 

4 7 A D  3 8 9 E  2 5 C F  1 6 B G 
9 E 3 8  A D 4 7  B G 1 6  C F 2 5 
6 1 G B  5 2 F C  8 3 E 9  7 4 D A 
F C 5 2  G B 6 1  D A 7 4  E 9 8 3

Here is the same Grid with Symbol/4, notice that each 4*4 box fulfils the sudoku rules for a 4*4 sudoku puzzle:
Code: Select all
1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4 
3 4 1 2  3 4 1 2  3 4 1 2  3 4 1 2 
2 1 4 3  2 1 4 3  2 1 4 3  2 1 4 3 
4 3 2 1  4 3 2 1  4 3 2 1  4 3 2 1 

1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4 
3 4 1 2  3 4 1 2  3 4 1 2  3 4 1 2 
2 1 4 3  2 1 4 3  2 1 4 3  2 1 4 3 
4 3 2 1  4 3 2 1  4 3 2 1  4 3 2 1 

1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4 
3 4 1 2  3 4 1 2  3 4 1 2  3 4 1 2 
2 1 4 3  2 1 4 3  2 1 4 3  2 1 4 3 
4 3 2 1  4 3 2 1  4 3 2 1  4 3 2 1 

1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4 
3 4 1 2  3 4 1 2  3 4 1 2  3 4 1 2 
2 1 4 3  2 1 4 3  2 1 4 3  2 1 4 3 
4 3 2 1  4 3 2 1  4 3 2 1  4 3 2 1

& here is the same grid with Symbol MOD 4, again, look at each 4*4 box
Code: Select all
1 2 3 4  2 1 4 3  3 4 1 2  4 3 2 1 
4 3 2 1  3 4 1 2  2 1 4 3  1 2 3 4 
3 4 1 2  4 3 2 1  1 2 3 4  2 1 4 3 
2 1 4 3  1 2 3 4  4 3 2 1  3 4 1 2 

2 1 4 3  1 2 3 4  4 3 2 1  3 4 1 2 
3 4 1 2  4 3 2 1  1 2 3 4  2 1 4 3 
4 3 2 1  3 4 1 2  2 1 4 3  1 2 3 4 
1 2 3 4  2 1 4 3  3 4 1 2  4 3 2 1 

3 4 1 2  4 3 2 1  1 2 3 4  2 1 4 3 
2 1 4 3  1 2 3 4  4 3 2 1  3 4 1 2 
1 2 3 4  2 1 4 3  3 4 1 2  4 3 2 1 
4 3 2 1  3 4 1 2  2 1 4 3  1 2 3 4 

4 3 2 1  3 4 1 2  2 1 4 3  1 2 3 4 
1 2 3 4  2 1 4 3  3 4 1 2  4 3 2 1 
2 1 4 3  1 2 3 4  4 3 2 1  3 4 1 2 
3 4 1 2  4 3 2 1  1 2 3 4  2 1 4 3

The 2 grids superimposed
Code: Select all
11 22 33 44  12 21 34 43  13 24 31 42  14 23 32 41 
34 43 12 21  33 44 11 22  32 41 14 23  31 42 13 24 
23 14 41 32  24 13 42 31  21 12 43 34  22 11 44 33 
42 31 24 13  41 32 23 14  44 33 22 11  43 34 21 12 

12 21 34 43  11 22 33 44  14 23 32 41  13 24 31 42 
33 44 11 22  34 43 12 21  31 42 13 24  32 41 14 23 
24 13 42 31  23 14 41 32  22 11 44 33  21 12 43 34 
41 32 23 14  42 31 24 13  43 34 21 12  44 33 22 11 

13 24 31 42  14 23 32 41  11 22 33 44  12 21 34 43 
32 41 14 23  31 42 13 24  34 43 12 21  33 44 11 22 
21 12 43 34  22 11 44 33  23 14 41 32  24 13 42 31 
44 33 22 11  43 34 21 12  42 31 24 13  41 32 23 14 

14 23 32 41  13 24 31 42  12 21 34 43  11 22 33 44 
31 42 13 24  32 41 14 23  33 44 11 22  34 43 12 21 
22 11 44 33  21 12 43 34  24 13 42 31  23 14 41 32 
43 34 21 12  44 33 22 11  41 32 23 14  42 31 24 13

As you can see the combination gives back the 16 symbols in a different format.

This one probably can be used to create puzzles that do not require a conversion table.

What do you think ?
for N=2 you have a 16*16 puzzle with each box having a 4*4 puzzle
for N=3 you have a 81*81 puzzle with each box having a 9*9 puzzle
for N=4 you have a 256*256 puzzle with each box having a 16*16 puzzles (which could have 4*4 puzzles in it as well, a "Sudoku^3")
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1st 16*16 puzzle

Postby tarek » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:25 pm

1st puzzle. I didn't solve it manually yet, so I can't verify validity. Solution is the special grid in the previous post
Code: Select all
.. .. .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. .. 
.. .. .. 21  .. 44 .. ..  .. .. 14 ..  31 .. .. .. 
.. .. .. ..  .. .. 42 ..  .. 12 .. ..  .. .. .. .. 
.. 31 .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. 21 .. 

.. .. .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. .. 
.. 44 .. ..  .. .. .. 21  31 .. .. ..  .. .. 14 .. 
.. .. 42 ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. 12 .. .. 
.. .. .. ..  .. 31 .. ..  .. .. 21 ..  .. .. .. .. 

.. .. .. ..  .. 23 .. ..  .. .. 33 ..  .. .. .. .. 
.. .. 14 ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. 44 .. .. 
.. 12 .. ..  .. .. .. 33  23 .. .. ..  .. .. 42 .. 
.. .. .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. .. 

.. 23 .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. 33 .. 
.. .. .. ..  .. .. 14 ..  .. 44 .. ..  .. .. .. .. 
.. .. .. 33  .. 12 .. ..  .. .. 42 ..  23 .. .. .. 
.. .. .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. .. 

Here is the breakdown of all symbols
Code: Select all
. . . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . . 
. . . 5  . G . .  . . 4 .  9 . . . 
. . . .  . . E .  . 2 . .  . . . . 
. 9 . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . 5 . 

. . . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . . 
. G . .  . . . 5  9 . . .  . . 4 . 
. . E .  . . . .  . . . .  . 2 . . 
. . . .  . 9 . .  . . 5 .  . . . . 

. . . .  . 7 . .  . . B .  . . . . 
. . 4 .  . . . .  . . . .  . G . . 
. 2 . .  . . . B  7 . . .  . . E . 
. . . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . . 

. 7 . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . B . 
. . . .  . . 4 .  . G . .  . . . . 
. . . B  . 2 . .  . . E .  7 . . . 
. . . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . . 

. . . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . . 
. . . 2  . 4 . .  . . 1 .  3 . . . 
. . . .  . . 4 .  . 1 . .  . . . . 
. 3 . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . 2 . 

. . . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . . 
. 4 . .  . . . 2  3 . . .  . . 1 . 
. . 4 .  . . . .  . . . .  . 1 . . 
. . . .  . 3 . .  . . 2 .  . . . . 

. . . .  . 2 . .  . . 3 .  . . . . 
. . 1 .  . . . .  . . . .  . 4 . . 
. 1 . .  . . . 3  2 . . .  . . 4 . 
. . . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . . 

. 2 . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . 3 . 
. . . .  . . 1 .  . 4 . .  . . . . 
. . . 3  . 1 . .  . . 4 .  2 . . . 
. . . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . . 

. . . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . . 
. . . 1  . 4 . .  . . 4 .  1 . . . 
. . . .  . . 2 .  . 2 . .  . . . . 
. 1 . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . 1 . 

. . . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . . 
. 4 . .  . . . 1  1 . . .  . . 4 . 
. . 2 .  . . . .  . . . .  . 2 . . 
. . . .  . 1 . .  . . 1 .  . . . . 

. . . .  . 3 . .  . . 3 .  . . . . 
. . 4 .  . . . .  . . . .  . 4 . . 
. 2 . .  . . . 3  3 . . .  . . 2 . 
. . . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . . 

. 3 . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . 3 . 
. . . .  . . 4 .  . 4 . .  . . . . 
. . . 3  . 2 . .  . . 2 .  3 . . . 
. . . .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . . 
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Re: Sudoku^2: Has anybody attempted/done this before?

Postby simon_blow_snow » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:04 am

tarek, you can feel free to use my scheme of 81 coloured symbols from this post for your 81x81 version. :-D Should make a very pretty grid.

As for the 16x16 version, I have this scheme:

Code: Select all
Each symbol is a colour-filled square, with possible "+" or "X" inside.

So we have 4 binary attributes:

with "+" or without "+"
with "X" or without "X"
outline: blue or red
filling: green or yellow

When I have time I will try to make some graphics for your latest puzzles.

As for the 256x256 version, it takes more thoughts to create 4 different 4-way attributes which are simple and elegant enough.

For the 16x16 version, is it possible to make a solution grid which has the property "neighbours all have different attributes"?
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Re: Sudoku^2: Has anybody attempted/done this before?

Postby tarek » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:13 pm

Thanks simon_blow_snow. For the 16x16, they should be 2 4-way attributes ex. 4 shapes and 4 fillings.
For the 81x81 they should be 2 9-way attributes not 4 3-way attributes. They 81 symbols however will be much better than the 1-81 number representation, thanks
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Re: Sudoku^2: Has anybody attempted/done this before?

Postby simon_blow_snow » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:02 pm

tarek wrote:For the 16x16, they should be 2 4-way attributes ex. 4 shapes and 4 fillings.
For the 81x81 they should be 2 9-way attributes not 4 3-way attributes.

If you consider the two shape attributes as a single attribute and the two colour attributes as another then you will have two 4/9-way attributes. These schemes still work if you ignore the inter-relationship between the shape/colour attributes (for example, red-out-yellow-in and red-out-green-in both share the same outline colour, but can be considered completely different attributes).

However, what I proposed in the previous post was perhaps closer to "Setdoku^2", i.e. all individual 4x4 boxes in the 16x16 scenario are Setdoku grids themselves. For the 256x256 scenario, if ever we can work out a scheme of 16 (!) different binary attributes, we can have 256 16x16 boxes which are all valid Setdoku^2 grids, i.e. the 256x256 grid would be a "Setdoku^4" grid! :-o
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Re: Sudoku^2: Has anybody attempted/done this before?

Postby tarek » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:38 pm

You are correct when saying that combining two features will give us 2 4-way attributes and therefore solving the problem. You are also right when saying that these are better suited for Setdoku. I think that for the specific case of of 16x16 sudoku^2, a simpler 2 4-way attributes are better suited. They can be as simple as a hollow square, diamond, circle and triangle as symbols for subpuzzle 1 with smaller solid similar shapes that fit into the larger hollow shapes for sunpuzzle 2. No colours needed, so it can printed as balck and white.

For that 256x256 sudoku^3 we will need your construct to make it more visually appealing.

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Re: Sudoku^2: Has anybody attempted/done this before?

Postby tarek » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:46 pm

I've done some work with image processor yesterday & I think that the results are acceptable. They are not as well designed as simon_blow_snow's symbols for setdoku but should be simple enough to allow for manual solving on a 16x16 puzzle.

this is the same puzzle mentioned a few posts earlier, any suggestions, comments are appreciated



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Sudoku^2 16x16 Puzzle 02

Postby tarek » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:02 pm



Rating: Easy
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Sudoku^2 16x16 Puzzle 03

Postby tarek » Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:44 pm



Rating: Easy
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Solved puzzle01 !!

Postby tarek » Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:24 pm

I just solved puzzle01 with pencil & paper. It was straight forward :D


I'm not sure if anybody tried this puzzle but it really works ....

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Re: Sudoku^2: Has anybody attempted/done this before?

Postby tarek » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:48 am

I've programmed a modified version of my solver to accommodate this variant & will be posting a walkthrough for puzzle02. There has been little response regarding this variant & my feeling is that the the number of fans of this variant is just 1 (myself :( ).

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Puzzle 2 Walkthrough & Solution image

Postby tarek » Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:56 am

Puzzle 02 walkthrough: Show
Sudoku^2 puzzle02 Walkthrough:

Small Triangle within Large Triangle is a given clue in r1c3
[r1c12456789ABCDFG][r24c1234][r3c234][r56789ABCDEFc3]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Circle within Large Square is a given clue in r1cE
[r1c12456789ABCDFG][r24cDEFG][r3cDEF][r56789ABCDEFcE]<>Small Circle within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Diamond is a given clue in r3c1
[r1c124][r24c1234][r3c23456789ABCDEF][r56789ABCDFGc1]<>Small Triangle within Large Diamond
Small Triangle within Large Circle is a given clue in r3cG
[r1cDFG][r24cDEFG][r3c23456789ABCDEF][r56789ABCDFGcG]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Circle is a given clue in r4c8
[r123c5678][r4c1234567ABCDEFG][r56789ABCEFGc8]<>Small Square within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Square is a given clue in r4c9
[r123c9ABC][r4c1234567ABCDEFG][r56789ABCEFGc9]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Diamond is a given clue in r5c7
[r12346789ABDEFGc7][r5c12345689BCDEFG][r68c568][r7c68]<>Small Circle within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Triangle is a given clue in r5cA
[r12346789ABDEFGcA][r5c12345689BCDEFG][r68c9BC][r7c9B]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Triangle is a given clue in r7c5
[r2345689BCDEFGc5][r5c68][r68c678][r7c1246789ABDEFG]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Circle is a given clue in r7cC
[r12345689BCDEFGcC][r5c9B][r68c9AB][r7c12346789ABDEFG]<>Small Diamond within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Circle is a given clue in r8c4
[r123567ABCDEFGc4][r567c123][r8c1235679ABCEFG]<>Small Square within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Diamond is a given clue in r8cD
[r1234567ABCDEFGcD][r567cEFG][r8c12356789ABCEFG]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Circle is a given clue in r9c4
[r123456ABCDEFGc4][r9c12356789ABEFG][rABCc123]<>Small Diamond within Large Circle
Small Diamond within Large Triangle is a given clue in r9cD
[r123467ABCDEFGcD][r9c12356789BCEFG][rABCcEFG]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Square within Large Triangle is a given clue in rAc5
[r12345689BCDEFGc5][r9Bc678][rAc12346789ABDEFG][rCc68]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Circle within Large Triangle is a given clue in rAcC
[r12345689BCDEFGcC][r9Bc9AB][rAc12346789ABDEFG][rCc9B]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Square within Large Square is a given clue in rCc7
[r1236789ABDEFGc7][r9Bc568][rAc68][rCc1234568BCDEFG]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Diamond is a given clue in rCcA
[r1246789ABDEFGcA][r9Bc9BC][rAc9B][rCc2345689BCDEFG]<>Small Triangle within Large Diamond
Small Circle within Large Triangle is a given clue in rDc8
[r12356789BCEFGc8][rDc1234567ABDEFG][rEFGc567]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Square within Large Triangle is a given clue in rDc9
[r12356789BCEFGc9][rDc123467ABCDEFG][rEFGcABC]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Circle within Large Diamond is a given clue in rEc1
[r1246789ABCDFGc1][rDFc234][rEc2345689ABCDEF][rGc24]<>Small Circle within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Square is a given clue in rEcG
[r12456789ABCDFGcG][rDFcDEF][rEc23456789ABCDEF][rGcDF]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Triangle is a given clue in rGc3
[r23456789BCEFc3][rEc24][rFc124][rGc1249ABDFG]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Square is a given clue in rGcE
[r23456789ABCDEFcE][rDFcDFG][rEcDF][rGc12456789ABCDFG]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
[r1c124][r2c34][r34c3]<>Big Triangle
[r1cDFG][r2cDE][r34cE]<>Big Square
[r124c1][r3c234][r4c2]<>Big Diamond
[r124cG][r3cDEF][r4cF]<>Big Circle
[r123c8][r34c7][r4c56]<>Big Circle
[r123c9][r34cA][r4cBC]<>Big Square
[r5c568][r6c78][r78c7]<>Big Diamond
[r5c9BC][r6c9A][r78cA]<>Big Triangle
[r568c5][r7c678][r8c6]<>Big Triangle
[r568cC][r7c9AB][r8cB]<>Big Circle
[r567c4][r78c3][r8c12]<>Big Circle
[r567cD][r78cE][r8cFG]<>Big Diamond
[r9c123][rAc34][rBCc4]<>Big Circle
[r9cEFG][rAcDE][rBCcD]<>Big Triangle
[r9c56][rAc678][rBCc5]<>Big Triangle
[r9cBC][rAc9AB][rBCcC]<>Big Triangle
[r9ABc7][rBCc8][rCc56]<>Big Square
[r9ABcA][rBCc9][rCcBC]<>Big Diamond
[rDc567][rEc78][rFGc8]<>Big Triangle
[rDcABC][rEc9A][rFGc9]<>Big Triangle
[rDc12][rEc234][rFGc1]<>Big Diamond
[rDcFG][rEcDEF][rFGcG]<>Big Square
[rDEFc3][rFGc4][rGc12]<>Big Triangle
[rDFcE][rFGcD][rGcF]<>Big Square
[r1c124][r2c34][r34c3]<>Small Triangle
[r1cDFG][r2cDE][r34cE]<>Small Circle
[r24c1][r3c24][r4c2]<>Small Triangle
[r124cG][r3cDEF][r4cF]<>Small Triangle
[r123c8][r34c7][r4c56]<>Small Square
[r123c9][r34cA][r4cBC]<>Small Square
[r5c568][r6c78][r78c7]<>Small Circle
[r5c9BC][r6c9A][r78cA]<>Small Diamond
[r568c5][r7c678][r8c6]<>Small Triangle
[r68cC][r7c9B][r8cB]<>Small Diamond
[r567c4][r78c3][r8c12]<>Small Square
[r567cD][r78cE][r8cFG]<>Small Square
[r9c123][rAc34][rBCc4]<>Small Diamond
[r9cEFG][rAcDE][rBCcD]<>Small Diamond
[r9c56][rAc678][rBCc5]<>Small Square
[r9cBC][rAc9AB][rBCcC]<>Small Circle
[r9Bc7][rBCc8][rCc6]<>Small Square
[r9ABcA][rBCc9][rCcBC]<>Small Triangle
[rDc567][rEc78][rFGc8]<>Small Circle
[rDcABC][rEc9A][rFGc9]<>Small Square
[rDc12][rEc234][rFGc1]<>Small Circle
[rDcFG][rEcDEF][rFGcG]<>Small Diamond
[rDFc3][rFGc4][rGc2]<>Small Circle
[rDEFcE][rFGcD][rGcFG]<>Small Triangle
Big Square in rDcD is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Square in rFcF is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Triangle in r2c2 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Triangle in r4c4 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond in r6cB is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond in r8c9 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Square in r9c8 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Square in rBc6 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Circle in rDc4 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Circle in rFc2 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Circle within Large Triangle in r6c6 is a hidden single for b6
[r1234Cc6][r6c124DEFG]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in r8c8 is a hidden single for b6
[r12ABEFGc8][r8c23BC]<>Small Triangle within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Circle in rBc6 is a hidden single for bA
[r57DEFGc6][rBc1239ABCDEFG]<>Small Square within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Diamond in r9c8 is a hidden and naked single
[r7EFGc8][r9c1239BCEFG]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
[r5c6][r6c78]<>Big Triangle
[r7c8][r8c56]<>Big Diamond
[r9c567][rAc78][rBCc8]<>Big Diamond
[r9ACc6][rBc578][rCc5]<>Big Circle
[r6c5][r78c6]<>Small Circle
[r56c8][r8c7]<>Small Triangle
Big Square in rDcD is a hidden and naked single
Big Square in rFcF is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in r1c2 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r1c4]<>Big Diamond
Big Triangle in r2c1 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r4c1]<>Big Triangle
Big Triangle in r3c4 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r3c2]<>Big Triangle
Big Triangle in r4c2 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Diamond in r4c3 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r2c3]<>Big Diamond
Big Diamond in r2c4 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Triangle in r5c8 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Circle in r5cB is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r5c9]<>Big Circle
Big Diamond in r6c5 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Triangle in r6cC is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r8cC]<>Big Triangle
Big Diamond in r7c6 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Triangle in r7c9 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r7cB]<>Big Triangle
Big Triangle in r8c7 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Circle in r8cA is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r6cA]<>Big Circle
Big Circle in r6c9 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Triangle in r8cB is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Circle in r9c5 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r9c7]<>Big Circle
Big Square in r9c6 is a hidden and naked single
[rAc6]<>Big Square
Big Triangle in r9c7 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rBc7]<>Big Triangle
Big Diamond in rAc6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rCc6]<>Big Diamond
Big Triangle in rCc6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rCc8]<>Big Triangle
Big Circle in rAc7 is a hidden and naked single
[rAc8]<>Big Circle
Big Square in rAc8 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in rBc7 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rBc5]<>Big Diamond
Big Square in rBc5 is a hidden and naked single
Big Triangle in rBc8 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in rCc5 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in rCc8 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in rDc3 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rFc3]<>Big Diamond
Big Triangle in rEc4 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rEc2]<>Big Triangle
Big Triangle in rFc1 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rDc1]<>Big Triangle
Big Triangle in rDc2 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Diamond in rGc2 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rGc4]<>Big Diamond
Big Diamond in rFc4 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Square in r2cG is a hidden single for mcG
[r2cF]<>Big Square
Small Triangle in r2c2 is a hidden and naked single
Small Triangle in r4c4 is a hidden and naked single
Small Diamond in r6cB is a hidden and naked single
Small Diamond in r8c9 is a hidden and naked single
Small Circle in rDc4 is a hidden and naked single
Small Circle in rFc2 is a hidden and naked single
Small Triangle in r5c6 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Triangle in r6c7 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Circle in r7c8 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Circle in r8c5 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond in rDcE is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rFcE]<>Small Diamond
Small Triangle in rEcD is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rEcF]<>Small Triangle
Small Triangle in rFcG is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rDcG]<>Small Triangle
Small Triangle in rDcF is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond in rGcF is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rGcD]<>Small Diamond
Small Diamond in rFcD is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Square within Large Triangle in r5c8 is a hidden and naked single
[r5c123EFG][r8c7]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in r8c7 is a hidden and naked single
[r1234FGc7][r8c123EFG]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Square in r4cD is a hidden single for b4
[r4c4567][r567ABCcD]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Square in r2c2 is a hidden single for b1
[r2c5678ABC][r56789ABCEc2]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Circle in r4c4 is a hidden and naked single
[r4cABC][rGc4]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Circle in r2cF is a hidden single for b4
[r2c35679ABC][r56789ABCEcF]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Triangle in r9c7 is a hidden single for bA
[r1234c7][r9c12]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Square within Large Triangle in r8cB is a hidden single for r8
[r123BCcB][r6cC]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Triangle in r6cC is a hidden and naked single
[r234EFGcC][r6c124DEFG]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Circle within Large Triangle in r7c9 is a hidden and naked single
[r123c9][r7c124DEFG]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Square within Large Square in r2cG is a Naked single
[r2c356][r3cDF][r5679ABcG]<>Small Square within Large Square
[r1c1][r2c3][r3c2]<>Big Square
[r1cF][r2cDE]<>Big Circle
[r1c4][r3c3][r4c1]<>Big Circle
[r3cD][r4cF]<>Big Square
[r34cF]<>Small Circle
[r1cFG][r2cDE][r4cG]<>Small Square
[r12cD][r4cE]<>Small Triangle
[r5c5][r6c8]<>Small Square
[r5cBC][r6c9A][r8cC]<>Small Triangle
[r56c9][r7cAB][r8cA]<>Small Circle
[r7c7][r8c6]<>Small Diamond
[r57cB][r8cC]<>Small Square
[r9c56][rAc78]<>Small Circle
Big Circle in r1c1 is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in r1c2 is a hidden and naked single
Big Square in r1c4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in r2c1 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in r4c1 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in r2c3 is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in r2c4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in r3c4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in r3c2 is a hidden and naked single
Big Square in r3c3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in r4c2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in r4c3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in r5cB is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in r6c5 is a hidden and naked single
Big Circle in r6c9 is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in r7c6 is a hidden and naked single
Big Circle in r8cA is a hidden and naked single
Big Circle in r9c5 is a hidden and naked single
Big Square in r9c6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in rAc6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in rCc6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in rAc7 is a hidden and naked single
Big Square in rAc8 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in rBc7 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in rBc5 is a hidden and naked single
Big Triangle in rBc8 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in rCc5 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in rCc8 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in rDc2 is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in rDc3 is a hidden and naked single
Big Square in rDcD is a hidden and naked single
Big Triangle in rEc4 is a hidden and naked single
Big Triangle in rFc1 is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in rFc4 is a hidden and naked single
Big Square in rFcF is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in rGc2 is a hidden and naked single
Big Circle in r1cD is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Square in r3cF is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Circle in r4cE is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Circle in rGc1 is a hidden single for mrÆ
[rDc1][rFc2]<>Big Circle
Big Square in rDc1 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rDc4][rEc2]<>Big Square
Big Circle in rDc4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rEc3]<>Big Circle
Big Circle in rEc2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in rEc3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rFc3]<>Big Square
Big Square in rFc2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in rFc3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in rGc4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in r5cD is a hidden single for mcT
[r5cEFG][r6cE]<>Big Triangle
Small Diamond in r5c5 is a hidden and naked single
[r6c5]<>Small Diamond
Small Triangle in r5c6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square in r6c5 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in r8c5 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square in r8c6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r7c6]<>Small Square
Small Diamond in r7c6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in r5cB is a hidden and naked single
[r5cC]<>Small Circle
Small Square in r5cC is a hidden and naked single
[r5c9]<>Small Square
Small Triangle in r5c9 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond in r6cB is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in r7cB is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r7cA]<>Small Triangle
Small Square in r7cA is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r6cA]<>Small Square
Small Circle in r8cC is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in r6c7 is a hidden and naked single
Small Diamond in r6c8 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square in r7c7 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in r7c8 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square in r6c9 is a hidden and naked single
Small Circle in r6cA is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond in r8c9 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in r8cA is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in rDc4 is a hidden and naked single
Small Diamond in rDcE is a hidden and naked single
Small Triangle in rDcF is a hidden and naked single
Small Triangle in rEcD is a hidden and naked single
Small Circle in rFc2 is a hidden and naked single
Small Diamond in rFcD is a hidden and naked single
Small Triangle in rFcG is a hidden and naked single
Small Diamond in rGcF is a hidden and naked single
Small Square in r1cD is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r3cD]<>Small Square
Small Triangle in r1cF is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond in r1cG is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r4cG]<>Small Diamond
Small Circle in r4cG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in r2cE is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond in r2cD is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r3cD]<>Small Diamond
Small Circle in r3cD is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in rAc6 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond in r9c6 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rCc6]<>Small Diamond
Small Triangle in r9c5 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rBc5]<>Small Triangle
Small Triangle in rCc6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rCc8]<>Small Triangle
Small Circle in rCc8 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rCc5]<>Small Circle
Small Diamond in rCc5 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rBc5]<>Small Diamond
Small Circle in rBc5 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square within Large Circle in r1cD is a hidden and naked single
[r1c1ABC][rACGcD]<>Small Square within Large Circle
Small Diamond within Large Square in r3cF is a hidden and naked single
[r3c35678BC][r5678ABCcF]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Diamond within Large Circle in r4cE is a hidden and naked single
[r4cAB][r568BCDcE]<>Small Diamond within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Circle in r5cB is a hidden and naked single
[r134BCDEFGcB][r5c123EG]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Diamond in r6c5 is a hidden and naked single
[r123DEFGc5][r6c123]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Circle in r6c9 is a hidden and naked single
[r6cEFG][r9ACc9]<>Small Square within Large Circle
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in r7c6 is a hidden and naked single
[r1234DEFGc6][r7c1234FG]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Circle in r7c7 is a hidden and naked single
[r7cFG][rDEFGc7]<>Small Square within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Square in r8c6 is a hidden and naked single
[r13DEFGc6]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Circle in r8cA is a hidden and naked single
[r12DEFGcA][r8cEF]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Diamond in rAc6 is a hidden and naked single
[r1234FGc6][rAc234DEFG]<>Small Circle within Large Diamond
Small Circle within Large Square in rBc5 is a hidden and naked single
[r2348EFGc5][rBc12349ABDFG]<>Small Circle within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Circle in rCc8 is a hidden and naked single
[r7c8][rCc1239DEG]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Square in r7c8 is a hidden and naked single
[r23c8][r7c1234DFG]<>Small Circle within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Circle in r8c5 is a hidden and naked single
[r13EFGc5][r8cEG]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Circle in rDc4 is a hidden and naked single
[rDcACG]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Square in rFc2 is a hidden and naked single
[r5689ACc2][rFc679ABCF]<>Small Circle within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Triangle in r2cE is a hidden single for b4
[r2c6789AB][r8BCcE]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in r1cF is a hidden and naked single
[r1c5679BC][r5679ABDcF]<>Small Triangle within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Circle in rAc7 is a hidden single for bA
[r12DEFGc7][rAc9ABFG]<>Small Diamond within Large Circle
Small Triangle within Large Circle in r9c5 is a hidden and naked single
[r12DEFGc5][r9c9BCEF]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Triangle within Large Square in rAc8 is a hidden single for bA
[r13EFc8][rAc1349BFG]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
Small Diamond within Large Square in r9c6 is a hidden and naked single
[r124DFGc6][r9c9ABC]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in rBc7 is a hidden single for bA
[r24DEFGc7][rBc234DEG]<>Small Triangle within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in rCc5 is a hidden and naked single
[r1234DEFGc5][rCc123EFG]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in rBc8 is a hidden single for bA
[r123c8][rBc1239B]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Triangle in rCc6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r34EFGc6][rCc124FG]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Circle within Large Square in rDcD is a hidden single for bG
[r6ACcD][rDcABC]<>Small Circle within Large Square
Small Square within Large Square in rFcF is a hidden and naked single
[r5679ABcF][rFc58ABC]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Triangle in r3c8 is a hidden single for c8
[r3c79AB][r4c7]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Triangle in r9c9 is a hidden single for c9
[r9c12][rBcB]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Circle within Large Diamond in rBcB is a hidden single for bB
[r1234DFGcB][rBc234DEFG]<>Small Circle within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Diamond in rAc9 is a hidden single for c9
[rAc1234BEFG][rBcC]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Triangle in rGcD is a hidden single for cD
[rEcEF][rFcE][rGc67G]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in r2cD is a Naked single
[r1cG][r2c4789ABC][r3cE][r4cF][rFcD]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in r1cG is a Naked single
[r1c569BC][r3cE][r4cF][r67cG]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Circle in rFcD is a Naked single
[r6cD][rFc35689AB][rGcF]<>Small Diamond within Large Circle
[r4cF]<>Big Diamond
[r4cG]<>Big Triangle
[r3cD]<>Big Diamond
[r3cE]<>Big Triangle
[r3c56]<>Big Triangle
[r6c7]<>Big Circle
[r6c8]<>Big Square
[r5c5]<>Big Circle
[r5c6]<>Big Square
[r9cA][rCc9]<>Big Triangle
[rAcB]<>Big Diamond
[r9cB][rBcC]<>Big Diamond
[rEcD][rFcE]<>Big Circle
[rEcD][rFcE][rGcF]<>Big Triangle
[r3c567]<>Small Triangle
[r9cBC]<>Small Triangle
[r9AcA][rAcB]<>Small Square
[rBc9A][rCcB]<>Small Circle
[rDcG][rEcE]<>Small Circle
[rEcF][rFcE][rGcG]<>Small Square
Big Triangle in r3cD is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in r3cE is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in r4cF is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in r4cG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in r5c5 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in r5c6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in r6c7 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in r6c8 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in rEcD is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rDEcE][rEcF]<>Big Diamond
Big Diamond in rFcE is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rFcG]<>Big Diamond
Big Triangle in rFcG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in r1c1 is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in r1c2 is a hidden and naked single
Big Square in r1c4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in r2c1 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in r4c1 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in r2c3 is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in r2c4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in r3c4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in r3c2 is a hidden and naked single
Big Square in r3c3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in r4c2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in r4c3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in r5cD is a hidden and naked single
Big Square in rDc1 is a hidden and naked single
Big Triangle in rDc2 is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in rDc3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in rEc2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in rGc2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in rEc3 is a hidden and naked single
Big Triangle in rEc4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in rFc3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in rFc1 is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in rFc4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in rGc1 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in rGc4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in rGcF is a hidden and naked single
[rGcG]<>Big Diamond
Big Circle in rGcG is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rDcG]<>Big Circle
Big Diamond in rDcG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in r9cC is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Triangle in rBcA is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Triangle in rCcB is a hidden single in more than one sector
Big Circle in rEcE is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rEcF]<>Big Circle
Big Triangle in rDcE is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rDcF]<>Big Triangle
Big Circle in rDcF is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in rEcF is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in r3cD is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square in r3cE is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square in r4cF is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in r4cG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond in r5c5 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in r5c6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in r6c7 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond in r6c8 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in rEcD is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in rFcE is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in rFcG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in r5c9 is a hidden and naked single
Small Square in r5cC is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in r6cA is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond in r6cB is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square in r7cA is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in r7cB is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond in r8c9 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in r8cC is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in r9cA is a hidden and naked single
Small Diamond in rAcA is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rAcB][rBcA]<>Small Diamond
Small Triangle in rAcB is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square in rBcA is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rBcC]<>Small Square
Small Diamond in rDcE is a hidden and naked single
Small Square in rEcE is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in rEcF is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in rDcF is a hidden and naked single
Small Square in rDcG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond in rGcF is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in rGcG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in rBcC is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond in rBc9 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rCc9]<>Small Diamond
Small Circle in rCc9 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in rEc6 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rFGc6]<>Small Circle
Small Square in r2c1 is a hidden single for mc1
[r1c2][r2c34]<>Small Square
Small Diamond in r2c3 is a hidden and naked single
[r1c4][r4c3]<>Small Diamond
Small Circle in r2c4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r3c4]<>Small Circle
Small Square in r1c4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r3c4]<>Small Square
Small Diamond in r3c4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r3c2]<>Small Diamond
Small Diamond in rDc3 is a hidden single for mcÃ…
[rDc12][rEc4]<>Small Diamond
Small Diamond in rEc2 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rGc2]<>Small Diamond
Small Square in rDc1 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rFGc1]<>Small Square
Small Triangle in rDc2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rGc2]<>Small Triangle
Small Square in rGc2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rGc4]<>Small Square
Small Triangle in rGc1 is a hidden single for mrÆ
[rFc1]<>Small Triangle
Small Diamond in rFc1 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rFc4]<>Small Diamond
Small Diamond in rGc4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in r4cA is a hidden single for mbB
[r1cA][r4cBC]<>Small Triangle
Small Circle within Large Triangle in r3cD is a hidden and naked single
[r3cAB][r5cD]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Square within Large Diamond in r3cE is a hidden and naked single
[r3c6BC][rBCcE]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
Small Triangle within Large Triangle in r4cA is a hidden and naked single
[rFGcA]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Square within Large Triangle in r4cF is a hidden and naked single
[r4c2][r67BCcF]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Circle within Large Diamond in r4cG is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r4c35C][r679CcG]<>Small Circle within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Triangle in r2c1 is a hidden and naked single
[r2c67AC][r679BCc1]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Square within Large Diamond in r4c3 is a hidden and naked single
[r5BCc3]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Square in r5c5 is a hidden and naked single
[r124DFGc5][r5c1234E]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Circle in r5c6 is a hidden and naked single
[r12DFGc6][r5c123EF]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Triangle within Large Triangle in r5cD is a hidden and naked single
[r5c124][r8cFG]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Square in r6c7 is a hidden and naked single
[r1DEFc7][r6c134FG]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
Small Diamond within Large Circle in r6c8 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r6c123FG][rEGc8]<>Small Diamond within Large Circle
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in r9cC is a hidden and naked single
[r134DEFGcC]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Triangle in rBcA is a hidden and naked single
[r1cA][rBc234EG]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in rCcB is a hidden and naked single
[r234EFGcB][rCc123]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Triangle in rDc2 is a hidden and naked single
[r8ABc2][rEc4]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in rDc3 is a hidden and naked single
[r568Bc3][rDc7AB]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in rDcE is a hidden and naked single
[r7cE]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Circle in rDcF is a hidden and naked single
[r67ABCcF][rDc7BC]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Diamond in rDcG is a hidden and naked single
[rBCcG][rDc67]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Circle in rEc2 is a hidden and naked single
[r5c2][rEc59AB]<>Small Diamond within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Triangle in rEc4 is a hidden and naked single
[rCc4]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in rEcD is a hidden and naked single
[rAcD][rEc59BC]<>Small Triangle within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Circle in rEcE is a hidden and naked single
[r59ACcE][rEc5BC]<>Small Square within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Triangle in rEcF is a hidden and naked single
[r8BCcF][rEcB]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in rFc1 is a hidden and naked single
[r67Ac1][rFc56C]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Circle within Large Diamond in rFcE is a hidden and naked single
[r69CcE][rFc59AC]<>Small Circle within Large Diamond
Small Triangle within Large Triangle in rFcG is a hidden and naked single
[rABcG][rFc7B]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Square in rGc4 is a hidden and naked single
[r67c4][rGc789ABC]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in rGcF is a hidden and naked single
[r56ABcF][rGc789AB]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Circle within Large Circle in rGcG is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r679ABcG][rGc79AC]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Triangle within Large Triangle in r8c1 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rABc1]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in rAc2 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r467c2]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in r3c4 is a hidden and naked single
[r3c9C][r67c4]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Circle within Large Triangle in r4c2 is a hidden and naked single
[r4c5B][r58BCc2]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Triangle in rGc7 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rGcB]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
Small Triangle within Large Triangle in rEcB is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in r1c2 is a hidden single for b1
[r1c789AB][r568Bc2]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Circle within Large Diamond in r2c4 is a hidden and naked single
[r2c589AC][r67Cc4]<>Small Circle within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Circle in r3c2 is a hidden single for b1
[r3cBC][rCc2]<>Small Square within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Circle in r1c1 is a hidden single for b1
[r1c679AC][r67ABc1]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Diamond within Large Circle in r2c3 is a hidden and naked single
[r2c569AB][r5c3]<>Small Diamond within Large Circle
Small Diamond within Large Circle in r5c1 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r5cFG]<>Small Diamond within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Triangle in r5c4 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rBCc4]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Square in r4c1 is a hidden single for b1
[r4c7][r67ABCc1]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Diamond within Large Square in rAcA is a hidden and naked single
[r12DFcA][rBc9][rCcC]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Diamond within Large Circle in rBc9 is a hidden and naked single
[r13Gc9][rBcFG]<>Small Diamond within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Square in r3c3 is a hidden single for b1
[r3c67BC][r5689ACc3]<>Small Circle within Large Square
Small Square within Large Square in r1c4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r1c5][rABc4]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Square within Large Square in r3c5 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rDEGc5]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Square within Large Square in rDc1 is a hidden and naked single
[r679ABc1][rEc3]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Square in rEc3 is a hidden and naked single
[r5789BCc3][rEc59AC]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Circle in r3c6 is a hidden single for b2
[r3c9AC][rEc6]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Square in rEc6 is a hidden and naked single
[r24c6][rEc9AC]<>Small Circle within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Circle in r4cC is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rEFcC]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Circle in rFc7 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rFc9A]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Triangle in rFc6 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r1c6]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Square within Large Triangle in r1c7 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r1cC]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Square within Large Triangle in r3cC is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Triangle within Large Circle in r2c7 is a hidden single for b2
[r2c9BC][rEc7]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Diamond within Large Square in rDc7 is a hidden and naked single
[rDcBC][rFc8]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Square in r4c7 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in r3c7 is a hidden and naked single
[r3c9AB][rEc7]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Diamond in rEc7 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rEcC][rGc6]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in r4cB is a hidden and naked single
[r6FcB]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in r8c9 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rEFc9]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Square in r6cB is a hidden and naked single
[r12FcB][r6c23DE]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Circle in r9cA is a hidden single for bB
[r9cE][rEcA]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Square in rCc9 is a hidden and naked single
[rCc14FG][rGc9]<>Small Circle within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Circle in rEc9 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Square within Large Square in r9cB is a hidden single for bB
[r9c23E][rGcB]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Square within Large Circle in rCcC is a hidden and naked single
[r2FGcC][rCc13FG]<>Small Square within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Circle in rAc1 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rAcFG]<>Small Square within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Circle in rFc3 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rFc5AB]<>Small Square within Large Circle
Small Triangle within Large Circle in rGc1 is a hidden and naked single
[r67BCc1][rGc89BC]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in rBc1 is a hidden single for b9
[r6c1][rBcEG]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in r6c4 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r6cEG]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Circle within Large Square in r6c1 is a hidden and naked single
[r6cAFG][r9c1]<>Small Circle within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Square in rAc4 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rAcFG]<>Small Circle within Large Square
rAcF has the last Small Triangle within Large Triangle uncovered
[rBcF]<>Small Triangle within Large Triangle
rBc4 has the last Small Triangle within Large Triangle uncovered
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in rAcG is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r5cG]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in r5cE is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Circle within Large Triangle in rCc1 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rCcEG]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Circle within Large Square in r8cC is a hidden single for b7
[r2GcC][r8cFG]<>Small Circle within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Diamond in r6cA is a hidden and naked single
[r13DGcA][r6c23F]<>Small Circle within Large Diamond
Small Circle within Large Diamond in r3c9 is a hidden and naked single
[r1c9C][rGc9]<>Small Circle within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Square in r6cE is a hidden single for b8
[r6c23][rABcE]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Diamond in r7cF is a hidden single for b8
[r7c23][r9CcF]<>Small Circle within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in r6cF is a hidden and naked single
[r6c3]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in r7c3 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Circle within Large Diamond in rCcD is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rCc23]<>Small Circle within Large Diamond
Small Triangle within Large Square in rBcC is a hidden single for bB
[r1DFcC][rBcFG]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Circle in rAcB is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r1FcB][rAcDE]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in rFc4 is a hidden single for bD
[r7c4][rFc59BC]<>Small Triangle within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Diamond in rGc2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r57BCc2][rGcABC]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Diamond in rBcF is a hidden and naked single
[rCcF]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Diamond in r7c1 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r7cA]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
Small Triangle within Large Square in r9c1 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r9cFG][rCc4]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Square in r7c4 is a hidden and naked single
[r7cBG]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
Small Square within Large Diamond in rCc4 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square within Large Diamond in r5cC is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r12FcC]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
Small Square within Large Square in r7cA is a hidden and naked single
[r7c2][rGcA]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Square in r5c9 is a hidden single for b7
[r5cFG][rFc9]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in r7cB is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r2DGcB][r7c2G]<>Small Triangle within Large Diamond
Small Circle within Large Diamond in rGc5 is a hidden single for bE
[r1c5][rGcC]<>Small Circle within Large Diamond
Small Circle within Large Diamond in r1c8 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond within Large Square in r2c8 is a hidden and naked single
[r2cC]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Diamond within Large Square in r1cC is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rFcC]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Circle in r1c9 is a hidden and naked single
[rFc9]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Diamond within Large Square in rFc9 is a hidden and naked single
Small Square within Large Circle in rDc5 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Circle within Large Diamond in rDcC is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Triangle within Large Square in r3cB is a hidden single for r3
[r1DFcB]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
Small Diamond within Large Circle in r3cA is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r1cAB][rDGcA]<>Small Diamond within Large Circle
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in rDc6 is a hidden single for rD
[r24Gc6]<>Small Triangle within Large Diamond
Small Triangle within Large Square in rDcA is a hidden and naked single
[rFcA]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
Small Diamond within Large Circle in rDcB is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rGcB]<>Small Diamond within Large Circle
Small Triangle within Large Square in rFc5 is a hidden and naked single
[r1c5]<>Small Triangle within Large Square
Small Triangle within Large Square in r1c6 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond within Large Circle in r1c5 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Circle within Large Triangle in r2c5 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r2cAB]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Square within Large Diamond in r2c6 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r2cAB]<>Small Square within Large Diamond
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in r4c5 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in r4c6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rGc6]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in rEc5 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rEcC]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Circle in rGc6 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond within Large Triangle in rGcC is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r2cC]<>Small Diamond within Large Triangle
r2c9 has the last Small Diamond within Large Triangle uncovered
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in rGc9 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in r2cC is a hidden and naked single
Small Square within Large Square in rGc8 is a hidden and naked single
[rEc8]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Square within Large Square in rEcC is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Triangle within Large Circle in rFcC is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rFc8]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Triangle within Large Circle in rEc8 is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in rEcA is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rFcA]<>Small Diamond within Large Diamond
Small Diamond within Large Diamond in rFc8 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond within Large Square in r7cD is a hidden single for cD
[r7c2E][r8cE]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Square within Large Triangle in rCcE is a hidden single for cE
[rCc23G]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Diamond within Large Square in rBcE is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rBc23]<>Small Diamond within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Triangle in r8cE is a hidden and naked single
[r8cG]<>Small Circle within Large Triangle
Small Circle within Large Triangle in rBcG is a hidden and naked single
Small Triangle within Large Circle in rBcD is a hidden single for bC
[r6cD][rBc23]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Triangle within Large Circle in r7cE is a hidden single in more than one sector
[r7c2]<>Small Triangle within Large Circle
Small Circle within Large Circle in r6cD is a hidden and naked single
[r6c23][rAcD]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Square in rAcD is the last symbol to fill the sector
[rAc3]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Circle within Large Circle in r7c2 is a hidden single in more than one sector
[rBc2]<>Small Circle within Large Circle
Small Square within Large Triangle in r7cG is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r6cG]<>Small Square within Large Triangle
Small Circle within Large Circle in rAcE is a hidden single in more than one sector
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in r9cE is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r9c23G]<>Small Triangle within Large Diamond
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in rAc3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r56c3]<>Small Triangle within Large Diamond
rBc3 has the last Small Circle within Large Circle uncovered
Small Square within Large Square in rBc2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
[r5c2]<>Small Square within Large Square
Small Square within Large Square in r5c3 is a hidden and naked single
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in r5c2 is a Naked single
[r5cG][r6c2]<>Small Triangle within Large Diamond
Small Triangle within Large Diamond in r6cG is a hidden and naked single
[r2cA]<>Big Circle
[r2cB]<>Big Square
[r1cA]<>Big Triangle
[r1cB]<>Big Diamond
[r6c2]<>Big Circle
[r8c2]<>Big Diamond
[r8c3]<>Big Square
[r6c3]<>Big Triangle
[r9c2]<>Big Triangle
[r9c3]<>Big Diamond
[rCc2]<>Big Square
[rCc3]<>Big Circle
[rGcA]<>Big Square
[rGcB]<>Big Circle
[rFcA]<>Big Diamond
[rFcB]<>Big Triangle
[r6c2]<>Small Triangle
[r6c3]<>Small Square
[r8cF]<>Small Diamond
[r8cG]<>Small Triangle
[r8c2]<>Small Circle
[r8c3]<>Small Diamond
[r5cF]<>Small Circle
[r5cG]<>Small Square
[r9c2]<>Small Square
[rCc2]<>Small Diamond
[rCc3]<>Small Triangle
[r9c3]<>Small Circle
[rCcF]<>Small Triangle
[rCcG]<>Small Diamond
[r9cF]<>Small Square
[r9cG]<>Small Circle
Big Triangle in r6c2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in r6c3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in r8c2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in r8c3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in r9c2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in r9c3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in rCc2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in rCc3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Diamond in r1cA is a hidden and naked single
Big Triangle in r1cB is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in r2cA is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in r2cB is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Triangle in rFcA is a hidden and naked single
Big Diamond in rFcB is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Circle in rGcA is the last symbol to fill the sector
Big Square in rGcB is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square in r6c2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in r6c3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond in r8c2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in r8c3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in r9c2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square in r9c3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in rCc2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond in rCc3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square in r5cF is a hidden and naked single
Small Circle in r5cG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in r8cF is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond in r8cG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle in r9cF is a hidden and naked single
Small Square in r9cG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond in rCcF is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle in rCcG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square within Large Diamond in r1cA is a hidden and naked single
Small Circle within Large Triangle in r1cB is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle within Large Square in r2cA is a hidden and naked single
Small Square within Large Circle in r2cB is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square within Large Circle in r5cF is a hidden and naked single
Small Circle within Large Square in r5cG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square within Large Triangle in r6c2 is a hidden and naked single
Small Triangle within Large Circle in r6c3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond within Large Square in r8c2 is a hidden and naked single
Small Circle within Large Diamond in r8c3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle within Large Square in r8cF is a hidden and naked single
Small Diamond within Large Circle in r8cG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle within Large Diamond in r9c2 is a hidden and naked single
Small Triangle within Large Circle in rCc2 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square within Large Triangle in r9c3 is a hidden and naked single
Small Diamond within Large Square in rCc3 is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle within Large Square in r9cF is a hidden and naked single
Small Square within Large Circle in r9cG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Diamond within Large Circle in rCcF is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Triangle within Large Square in rCcG is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle within Large Triangle in rFcA is a hidden and naked single
Small Square within Large Diamond in rFcB is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Square within Large Circle in rGcA is the last symbol to fill the sector
Small Circle within Large Square in rGcB is the last symbol to fill the sector
Puzzle solved

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Posts: 3762
Joined: 05 January 2006

Puzzle 03 solution

Postby tarek » Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:05 pm

Puzzle 03 solution image: Show
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Posts: 3762
Joined: 05 January 2006

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