by youngbaz » Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:13 pm
First things first ...
I dubbed your puzzle into the Sudoku program - it's valid, but rated as 'hard'.
Have you tried reading through the series of tips on the web-page? They make sound sense.
I'd start by looking at horizontal sets of three mini-squares. Within each set of three in total, are there any digits which appear twice? If yes, then go to the mini-square that does not have that digit already identified. There is only one row on which this digit can be placed (by definition - you already have two rows occuoied elsewhere in the set of three). So at worst you've narrowed down to three squares its possible placement, but often it can only be placed in one or two squares.
Try looking at the bottom row of three mini-squares for instance. There are already two 4s identified. The central mini-square in the bottom row doesn't have a 4 and you'll find there's only one square it can go into.
When you've done this for horizontal sets of three, go thro the same process for the three vertical sets of three.
You should find a few more to get you going - but read the tips anyway.