Lama wrote:How about the 8 in r1c1 and r9c2?
The reason you can eliminate the 8 from r1c2 is that it is in the same column as a PLUS (r5c2) and the same row as a MINUS (r1c8). (It's also in the same box as a MINUS (r3c3); that's over kill. If all the cells marked with MINUS were 8, then r1c2 could not be 8. If all the cells marked PLUS were 8, then r1c2 could not be 8. Therefore, r1c2<>8. (I should have marked r1c2 with an 'x' instead of a '-+' to avoid confusion.
You cannot say this about r1c1 or r9c2 -- neither shares a row, column or box with one of each sign.
Greenlantern is correct -- 8 can also be excluded from r9c1 from the same coloring pattern:
- Code: Select all
| 1478 1x8 6 | 149 2 147 | 3 -89 5 |
| 147 3 5 | 1469 67 8 | 2 69 46 |
| 9 2 4-8 | 346 5 346 | 7 1 46+8 |
| 3 56 9 | 156 8 156 | 4 2 7 |
| 2 6+8 1 | 7 4 9 | 5 3 6-8 |
| 5-8 4 7 | 256 3 256 | 9 6+8 1 |
| 56 7 3 | 256 1 256 | 8 4 9 |
| 46 9 2 | 8 67 467 | 1 5 3 |
| 145x8 158 4+8 | 345 9 345 | 6 7 2 |
However, contrary to what Greenlantern says, coloring does not require following a path. Start in ANY cell with an 8. Label it PLUS. If the cell's row contains exactly one other cell that can hold an 8, label it MINUS. Repeat for the column and the box. Then pick on of the cells you labeled MINUS and repeat the procedure until you can no longer continue. Then:
If there is a cell that is at the intersection of a PLUS and a MINUS, exclude it.
If there are two cells in one group that are the same sign -- exclude ALL those cells with that sign.
After these exclusions, you may be able to color additional cells. I this particular case, after excluding the 8 from r1c2 and r9c1, no other exclusions from coloring.