StrmCkr observations on puzzle reposed by eleven

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Postby udosuk » Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:57 pm

StrmCkr wrote:i have not ignored the affects of the "b & c parts" either.

i morphed the pattern i found inital with the changes you made to the puzzle. and it still applies to the same boxs.

This is what you previously wrote:
Code: Select all

The locked given numbers in all of the A’s: are the same three numbers, arrangement changes only.

The locked given numbers in the entire B’s: are the same three numbers, arrangement changes only.

The locked given numbers in the entire C’s: are the same three numbers, arrangement changes only.


A will not have the same digits from B or C

B will not have the same digits from A or C

C will not have the same digits from A or B

This is also what you previously wrote:how is it diffrent the application still applies the assignment change given the alterations of the middle box.

Code: Select all
6 . .|. 9 .|. 5 .
. . .|. . 3|. . 2
. 2 .|8 . .|9 . .
. . 6|. . 4|7 . .
. 7 .|. 3 .|. 9 .
3 . .|. . .|. . 1
2 . .|. . 1|. . .
. . 7|. 8 .|1 . .
. 8 .|4 . .|. . 5

the same grid aragment is still held for 1-5-9 boxes

A = 6,2,?
B = 1,5,?
C = 349 (completed set)

Code: Select all
6 . 3|. 9 .|. 5 .
. 9 .|. . 3|. . 2
4 2 .|8 . .|9 . .
. . 6|. . 4|7 . .
. 7 .|. 3 .|. 9 .
3 . .|9 . .|. . 1
2 . .|. . 1|. . 9
. . 7|. 8 .|1 4 .
. 8 .|4 . .|3 . 5

there is more singles exposed based on the pattern but these are the ones i have shown

and the grid colapses to singles.

Care to enlighten me why you didn't apply the whole "technique" with all 3 groups (A, B, and C) in the 2nd puzzle.:?:

StrmCkr wrote:im done posting here till i can prove the second sentence.
and prove acurate and "logic" sound idea "technique" etc. for the above noted pattern and apply its varaitions to the other box identically

but that can only be accomplished when i figur out how it display and identify the first pattern i shown. and that brings me right back to where im stuck on my own thread of missing symetries.

Yes probably it's a good idea if you open a new thread about your investigation of your "pattern/technique". I think it's better if we leave this thread for more automorphic/symmetrical puzzles or other (soundly proven) new techniques on these properties. All the puzzles and (valid) techniques posted so far are about symmetrical patterns/properties which apply globally to the whole grid, not like your patterns which only apply locally on certain parts of the grid. So I think your theories are irrelevant to the main theme of this thread, and should belong to another thread instead.:idea:
Last edited by udosuk on Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby StrmCkr » Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:20 pm

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Postby Mauricio » Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:19 pm

StrmCkr, did you already see the isomorphism of the puzzle in question? When you see it and understand it, you should note that it is not possible to distinguish Box 1, Box 2, or Box 3, therefore your "rule" should work for boxes 2,6 and 7, and too for boxes 3,4,8, which is impossible.
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Postby StrmCkr » Wed Oct 15, 2008 8:09 pm

Last edited by StrmCkr on Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby udosuk » Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:31 am

StrmCkr wrote:as udosuk says. im cluttering up his thread. perhaps answers should be directed to my thread.

Perhaps Pat or Glyn can help out here by moving all posts discussing this "pattern" thing to the thread quoted above. Frankly I don't think they're too relevant to the topic of this very thread.

I have given up convincing StrmCkr that there isn't much logical value for his "pattern". There are heaps of more meaningful things to do in life. Good luck for everyone else trying!:)
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Postby StrmCkr » Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:35 pm

Last edited by StrmCkr on Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Glyn » Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:52 am

udosuk,StrmCkr I have attempted to split the thread appropriately. Hopefully with some success.:)
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