Here is a 28-clue Sudoku, # 648959 - which I couldn´t solve at all: (difficulty: very hard)
- Code: Select all
|6 . 1|. . 3|. . .|
|. . .|1 . .|. 9 .|
|7 . .|. 9 .|6 . 4|
|3 . 9|6 . .|. 7 .|
|. 8 .|. . .|. 2 .|
|. 6 .|. . 5|4 . 1|
|1 . 4|. 6 .|. . 9|
|. 2 .|. . 9|. . .|
|. . .|7 . .|8 . 2|
With this Sudoku I could hardly find ANY hidden singles (only 31), so I had to pencilmark 22 cells!
- Code: Select all
|6. 9. 1..|24. 47. 3.|27 8. 5|
|58 4. 28.|1.. 57. 6.|27 9. 3|
|7. 35 238|258 9.. 28|6. 1. 4|
|3. 1. 9..|6.. 2.. 4.|5. 7. 8|
|4. 8. 5..|3.. 1.. 7.|9. 2. 6|
|2. 6. 7..|9.. 8.. 5.|4. 3. 1|
|1. 7. 4..|28. 6.. 28|3. 5. 9|
|58 2. 368|45. 345 9.|1. 46 7|
|9. 35 36.|7.. 345 1.|8. 46 2|
I need a lot of tips and hints, how I can go on further...thanks in advance!