Some Sample Kakuro puzzles

For fans of Kakuro

Some Sample Kakuro puzzles

Postby surendra.jain » Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:43 pm

Dear All,
I have prepared some sample kakuro puzzles. All the puzzles have unique solution. I have used the GUI of Kakuro Nichiyou software as I found it very simple.

This is my first attempt at making kakuro puzzles. I am preparing some more tough puzzles. It takes long time to prepare tougher puzzles. Please feel free to download the kakuro puzzles and let me know your views. The puzzles and the solutions can be downloaded from my website :

The kakuro puzzles file larger than 2 MB.. so could not attach it here. Please feel free to download from my website mentioned above

Best Regards,
Posts: 27
Joined: 15 August 2015
Location: India

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