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My normal "system" to solve an easy puzzle like this is to ignore pencilmarks and look for "box-line reductions" eg. noting 6's already exist in boxes 3 and 6 which places a 6 in box 9 in cell r7c8. With 6's now in boxes 8 and 9 I can now place a 6 in box 7 at r9c1. Continuing in this fashion and looking for naked singles it took me about ten minutes to complete this puzzle.
I can look back with some satisfaction remembering it took me about an hour (or was it two hours ?) when I first started sudoku about eight months ago. It's not surprising that I now find these puzzles somewhat "boring" and prefer to tackle more difficult puzzles.
What intrigues me is that I have read some posts where people can solve "Easy" puzzles in about two to three minutes and, for the life of me, I'm amazed how this can be done

I'd be interested to know if there are "short-cuts" which other people use to solve these puzzles quicker or perhaps it's a case of me accepting a "lower brain cell count" due to not getting younger.