Lately I haven't been solving puzzles with any techniques that haven't been around for years, which is a good thing. I do want to say that I'm having difficulty with puzzles that are over 6. I only managed to solve a single one over 6.5, and I think on that one, I didn't get lucky, but the puzzle just happen to use techniques I was most familiar with. But puzzles between 4.0 and 5.5 for sure I'm solving very well, with only the occasional hiccup for puzzles that are definitely over 5.0.
One of the techniques I was posting about, I think was a failed understanding of properly implementing skyscrapers earlier in the puzzle, that was causing that particular formation.
I know if I see that formation now, I'm almost certain I already screwed up the puzzle.

As I learn more and more proper techniques, I'm getting much less stuck, assuming I'm doing a puzzle in my range, which tops out about 5.5, but I can solve some puzzles over that. Although it doesn't mean it's always easy to find a particular step. I love posting that I solved a puzzle in X minutes, but it doesn't mean the next puzzle might not take twice as long... or a lot longer than that. Of course, plenty of times I just rewind the puzzle to the beginning and have to start over. I'm not a machine. It doesn't help that the level I'm on has such a wide range of difficulty levels. I don't know from one puzzle to the next if it's going to be 4.2 or something close to 7.0. It would be amazing if I solved a puzzle over 6.5. Even puzzles over 6.0 are borderline at best for me, quickly going down as the difficulty creeps up over 6.0.
But I assure you that I do try and use standard techniques, and I'll post again when I start solving puzzles over the 6.0 range on a decent basis. I do agree I'm not going to invent a new technique. Certainly with easier puzzles, probably below 4.0, occasionally a bit higher than 4.0, one could get stuck on a position, and sometimes solve a step with luck, and think your solving with something new technique, or some technique you never heard of, but was actually luck.
But I will not spend my days trying to solve puzzles like some app. It's best that I just keep trying to get better at techniques, and keep learning new techniques to add to my arsenal.
-I've been using skyscrapers for several weeks, but can only honestly say I mastered that technique rather recently. I started using skyscrapers a couple months ago, but the puzzles only used a single, easy to find skyscraper once in a while. But now I see skyscrapers as a regular feature in the harder puzzles. My biggest focus right now is learning more advanced wing formations like WXYZ-Wings and related versions of that.
Just because I solved a puzzle with different techniques than SE, which used a WXYZ-wing, doesn't mean I'm not hyper focused on the fact I didn't learn that technique yet, and looking for WXYZ-Wings every time I solve a puzzle.

EDIT: I think I"m gonna take a week off from Sudoku, then focus on the more difficult wing patterns I'm having problems with.