Simple solution

Advanced methods and approaches for solving Sudoku puzzles

Simple solution

Postby glendot » Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:58 pm


I have developed a way of solving the sudukos, up to and including 5 star. Using MSWORD, Tables, I made a 9x9 table like the suduko puzzles, and darkened the smaller 3x3 squares. I then put in the numbers 1-9(using 10-pica size) at top of each square. Now, each day I can add the big numbers from the daily puzzle. This can be done using WORD or make a print and add them in by pencil/pen. I use a sharpie marker to make the numbers big and bold. Then go across each row, down each column, and in the 3x3 squares, and blacken out all the numbers that cannot be used. Then you have the candidate numbers. But there always is one square that only has one number left. That becomes the number for that square. Blacken out that number for that row, column, and 3x3 square, and lo, another square pops up with only one number that can be used. This is a no brainer method that seems to work every time, and you don't have to do any trial/error, probability analysis, or whatever. I have not been successful using this method for 6 star or The 15 square hex numbers puzzle.
Posts: 1
Joined: 10 January 2006

Postby Crazy Girl » Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:45 am


What you described is using a Candidate Grid (or sometimes refered to as using Pencilmarks) to solve the puzzle.

Usind this method you are finding:

"Naked Singles" - where there is only one candidate for a cell

There is also

"Hidden Singles" - where one candidate is restricted to one cell in a Row/Column/Block.

for more techniques check out the following links here and here:D

If you are still stuck on a 6 star puzzle post the original puzzle and where you have got to with pencilmarks and someone will help you.
Crazy Girl
Posts: 189
Joined: 08 November 2005

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