I have been trying to create very difficult sudokus with a couple of my friends. We created a computer program that generates sudokus, and we've had some moderate successes with it, though the hardest one being only SE 9.2.
Anyway, today I encountered a very weird thing while I was checking the difficulties of a bunch of our sudokus. For some reason onw of our sudokus took over one hour with the command-line check, and with another instance of SE about 20 minutes too. The sudoku is here:
and in more readable format:
000 000 080
000 060 430
030 050 609
500 000 000
206 000 000
010 000 004
000 630 005
060 084 203
008 005 060.
Other solvers solve this rather painlessly. Does anyone have any idea why is this being such a tough nut for SE?