by Mauriès Robert » Mon Dec 30, 2024 11:40 pm
Hi Gordon,
Here is a possible DFS that validates the 3r1c5 then the 4r1c3... a piece of manual bravery!
(-3r1c5)->3r2c4->3r1c3->(4r1c8 & 2r1c5->24p6p7B8)->AP1->7r5c8->AP2->3r5c9->AP3->1r7c4->9r7c2->AP4->6r3c5->8r89c5->7r7c6->8r8c5->9r9c5->AP5->3r6c12->3r4c5-7r6c5->36r6c12->17r4c23->3r4c5->... incompatibility* => r1c5=3
with (I have not written all the candidates for the chains which are generally long):
AP1=(-7r5c8)->6r5c8->... incompatibility*
AP2=(-3r5c9)->3r5c7->... incompatibility*
AP3=(-1r7c4)->1r7c6->...->9r9c5->... incompatibility*
AP4=(-6r3c5)->8r3c5->... incompatibility*
AP5=(-3r6c12)->67r6c12->... incompatibility*
(*) incompatibility with sudoku rules
(-4r1c3)->1r1c3->4r1c8->1r4c2->AP1->6r7c8->7r5c8->AP2->13r7c7->AP3->3r7c7->125r189c9->7r3c9->(9r2c9 & 6r3c1->37r2c12->2r3c2->6r2c6->8r3c5)->36r56c9->AP4->2r89c5->AP5->9r9c5->2r8c5->9r7c2->... incompatibility* => R1C3=4 + 2 placements
with :
AP1=(-6r7c8)->8r7c8->... incompatibility*
AP2=(-13r7c7)->8r7c7->... incompatibility*
AP3=(-3r7c7)->1r7c7->... incompatibility*
AP4=(-2r89c5)->(7rc5 & 9r9c5)->18r7c46->... incompatibility*
AP5=(-9r9c5)->2r9c5->... incompatibility*
This gives a depth of 5, which seems a lot to me and certainly there are simpler DFS.
Furthermore, the way I presented these eliminations with two chains and subchains, makes me think that we should be able to solve with B5-Braids, or more precisely SkB5-SmBraid (?).
For the rest of the puzzle, eliminations by the chains are possible until complete resolution.
For example:
(-6r2c6)->6r3c5->8r3c4->8r5c6->... => -6r5c6
(-9L5C7,-9L7C4)->(3L5C7 & 9L7C2)->3L7C1->3L2C2->3L4C3->1L4C2->9L5C3->... => -9L5C4