Hi mith,
mith wrote:https://tcollyer.blogspot.com/2020/10/t ... tions.html
Does this technique have another name? The Schroedinger Cells name comes from a CTC video; I mentioned in the comments that it seems like a Mutant Multifish, perhaps. (It also seems to be related to SK loops, perhaps - at least, taking the idea to an extreme resulting in an SK loop giving the same eliminations.)
Both are correct categorizations, as far as I'm concerned. It is indeed an RC-type (i.e. Mutant) Multifish with two digits. That's exactly what SK-Loops are, except with four digits:
MF (12 RC): 4x4 {12R9 12C1 \ 12b7 4n1 9n5}
SK-Loop (Easter Monster):
MF (1267 RC): 16x16 {1267R28 1267C28 \ 27b19 16b37 2n56 8n45 56n2 45n8}
The identical structure should be easy to see. Only the scale is different.
Added. For practical purposes, I think Leren's
Double Kite Loop is a descriptive name. (
DK-Loop might be a bit confusing abbreviation but not an entirely wrong association.) Another descriptive name could be
Hidden Remote Pair (I just came up with that).
Btw, SteveK originally called his loop
Hidden Pair Loop (others started to call it SK-Loop). It might work for this smaller cousin too.