Scanraid Solver now contains Advanced solving strategies

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

Scanraid Solver now contains Advanced solving strategies

Postby AndrewStuart » Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:57 am

Hi All,

Had quite a bag full of emails recently about adding very advanced strategies to my step-by-step solver. This has now been achieved so a post here seemed appropriate. The technical limitation was javascript but I've overcome this now using something completely different.

The solver can now identify X-Cycles, Grouped X-Cycles, all Unique Rectangles, XYZ-Wings, XY-Chains, Aligned Pair Exclusions, BUGs, Multi-Colouring, Forcing Chains, Finned and Sashimi X-Wings and Sword-Fish, Alternating Inference Chains and some T&E strategies.

It's in Beta, so any comments and bug reports or suggestions for improvements would be invaluable.
Posts: 21
Joined: 28 December 2005

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