ronk !!! I must admit, I was tired and thought trying to express the Kraken Swordfish as a chain might be fun. When something half-way meaningful resulted, I just had to share it for the irony.
By 'it only works because there's a single elimination', I meant that there is a (single) starting and ending point for the contradiction chain. I have no idea how to write it as a chain if there had been multiple eliminations. Thanks for the suggestion on reversing the chain so that people (like myself) who tend to read only from left-to-right would have a better understanding. I admit, I wasn't sure if a 'chained' interpretation for the relationship between the Swordfish and its fin cells existed.
Read a few of my posts and you'll quickly realize that I don't understand fish well enough to post any of my examples to the Ultimate Fish Guide. Most of the time, I'm struggling to know if I'm even close on interpreting a pattern. I don't want my posts to interrupt the flow of the serious work going on in that chain. However, if anyone finds one of my examples to be relevant to that chain, then please feel free to use it there.
My puzzle generator is currently configured to kick out all kinds of Templates/patterns so I can get some practice trying to spot fish. Right now, I'm working my way through a group and some of them are more than SS can explain. Unfortunately, most appear to be Kraken fish. Both of my puzzles above are from this group.
The only problem I experience, when starting with Template eliminations, is that there are often more eliminations possible for a digit than one fish can explain. I had people really confused awhile back with some of my posts because I was trying to explain all of the eliminations with one fish. Now, I try to find a simpler fish whenever they jump out at me.