reddit sudoku wiki

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

reddit sudoku wiki

Postby StrmCkr » Mon Oct 02, 2023 6:16 pm

I've took over as editor for: almost a year ago.

I've spent the last year redoing many of its pages 1,by 1 to give their community something more modern/advanced to work with and update its information as accurate as possible

I take this opportunity to:
give thanks and appreciations to many contributors on here for insights & inspiration for my own ideas and concepts.
thanks for copious hours spent expanding sudokuds solving methodologies.
finally and most important to me
I am personally truly grateful for the patience with my poor writing skills in all the bygone years

if any of the experts on here has any collective works [including puzzle databases] or insights to contribute as a "backup" copy of the work found in this forums and others almost 20 year history

i am open to receiving documents with pictures that I can copy/paste : translate on the respective wiki topics. {with recognition of course}

we are trying to keep the language and notation constant ie A.I.C eureka or standardize als notations when applicable.

with easy to follow language and place holder grids strings applicable [I'll throw into our custom written colourize for graphic updates that remain constant on each page ]

pointing out mistakes or insights i may have overlooked while compiling these pages feel free to dm on here and i'll correct it asap

the end goal for wiki is: as much as possible in 1 place: sorted and easy to read.

thank you
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Re: reddit sudoku wiki

Postby Leren » Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:33 pm

Did you include John Welch's Systematic Sudoku site in your list of reading resources ? You will find it here, or Phil Beeby's Phil's Folly site ?

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Re: reddit sudoku wiki

Postby StrmCkr » Mon Oct 02, 2023 10:16 pm

Yes, I have John's in the list of refrence sites anything I have found is linked.

Even if I disagree with them like John's unwilliningness to adapt to common lingo :}

I might be missing pills folly.

Yup missing I'll. Add it as a refrence. Thanks
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