sarker306, the problem with creating puzzles that contain specific steps is that the result depends greatly on the ordering of the techniques in the solver. That said: HoDoKu can search for puzzles with specific steps in batch mode, although every generated puzzle will contain only one of the steps.
If you want to search for the techniques you mentioned above, use the jar version of the solver (arguments are case sensitive!):
- Code: Select all
java -Xmx512m -jar hodoku-1.1.jar /s /sc fbf2:1,xy:1,mc:1,sdc:1 /o result.txt
If you replace :1 with :2 the advanced technique will reduce the puzzle to singles, if you use :3 it will be the first technique after singles.
If you want to use the GUI version start HoDoKu, set the level of the steps you want to Medium and give them an unrealistically large score (say 2000). Set the score for easy level to 2000 and for medium level to 10000. If you create a medium puzzle it will be guaranteed to contain at least one of your steps (use View|Summary to see immediately if the new puzzle suits you).
The second way will work with SudoCue too (I shamelessly copied much of its GUI features since they are really well done).
edit: With both methods you should move Multi Colors and Sue de Coq further up the solver hierarchy to get more hits.