StrmCkr wrote:again that not completly clear.. end of which post in specific.
The post from which you extracted the truncated citation

StrmCkr wrote:again that not completly clear.. end of which post in specific.
denis_berthier wrote:Subsidiarily, it wouldn't be that stupid to rate puzzles that have no solution: how hard is it to prove they have no solution? For some puzzles, this can be as hard as finding solutions (if you don't use T&E). SudoRules can do this (not for all the puzzles). But I understand it isn't a concern for players.
coloin wrote:denis_berthier wrote:Subsidiarily, it wouldn't be that stupid to rate puzzles that have no solution: how hard is it to prove they have no solution? For some puzzles, this can be as hard as finding solutions (if you don't use T&E). SudoRules can do this (not for all the puzzles). But I understand it isn't a concern for players.
It is a concern for raters though.
In hard puzzles it is difficult to "rate" a puzzle with 2 wrong proposition clues. They can and commonly do need "advanced" techniques to show they are invalid.
+---+---+---+ SE 9.5
+---+---+---+ wrong clue at r2c3
+---+---+---+ SE 9.5
+---+---+---+ wrong clue at r2c3
coloin wrote:I believe gsfs -q2 function goes a way to to this at a bivalue/bilocal level.
In hard puzzles it is difficult to "rate" a puzzle with 2 wrong proposition clues. They can and commonly do need "advanced" techniques to show they are invalid.
I dont know if anyone has looked at a complete 60*59/2 list of all proposition pairs in a typical 21 clue hard puzzle.
for constraints in FNB # { singles + locked candidates }
# phase 1: singleton propositions
for d in 1 .. 9
for each degree-d candidate set A
for each candidate a in A
assert the candidate a value
apply constraints
record contradictions and/or solutions
examine all d results and record contradictions and/or solutions
if any solutions found then done
apply all recorded contradictions
apply constraints
if solution then done
# phase 2: paired propositions
for d in 1 .. 9
for each degree-d candidate set A
for each degree-d candidate set B, B != A
for each candidate a in A
for each candidate b in B, b != a
assert candidate a value
assert candidate b value
apply constraints
record contradictions and/or solutions
examine all d^2 results and record contradictions and/or solutions
if any solutions found then done
apply all recorded contradictions
apply constraints
if solution then done
| x 9 1 | x x 7 | 3 x x |
| x 2 7 | x 5 x | 6 x x |
| 5 x x | x 4 x | x x x |
| x x x | x x 9 | x x 5 |
| x 7 x | 2 x x | x 4 x |
| 9 x x | 5 x x | 2 1 x |
| 1 4 x | x 9 x | x 2 x |
| 7 x x | 1 x 2 | x x x |
| x 3 x | x x x | x x x |
|468 9 1 |68 2 7 |3 5 48 |
|348 2 7 |389 5 138 |6 89 1489 |
|5 68 368 |689 4 1368 |1789 789 2 |
|2368 1 23468 |4678 3678 9 |78 3678 5 |
|368 7 5 |2 1 68 |89 4 3689 |
|9 68 3468 |5 3678 3468 |2 1 3678 |
|1 4 68 |3678 9 3568 |578 2 3678 |
|7 5 689 |1 368 2 |4 3689 3689 |
|268 3 2689 |4678 678 4568 |15789 6789 16789 |
| 5 8 x | 7 x x | x x 4 |
| x 1 x | x 9 x | x x x |
| x x 4 | x x 8 | x 3 9 |
| x 5 x | x x x | 7 x x |
| x x x | 9 x x | x x x |
| x x x | 6 5 2 | x x x |
| x x x | x x 1 | 8 x x |
| x 7 x | x x 5 | 3 x x |
| 8 x x | x x x | x x 2 |
|5 8 9 |7 123 36 |126 126 4 |
|236 1 236 |245 9 46 |56 78 78 |
|7 26 4 |125 12 8 |1256 3 9 |
|9 5 268 |148 1348 34 |7 246 136 |
|1236 2346 2368 |9 1348 7 |124 12456 135 |
|134 34 7 |6 5 2 |9 148 138 |
|2346 9 2356 |234 2467 1 |8 4567 567 |
|246 7 126 |248 2468 5 |3 9 16 |
|8 346 1356 |34 67 9 |146 1457 2 |
StrmCkr wrote:nice to see you back at it again denis