(wish I could've gotten back sooner):
Yes, thanks, tso, that's a much cleaner way to ask my exact topic-question -- AND you also EXPANDED the issue by zeroing in on my very reason for asking it..
Topic-question rephrased:
"Q: Is it ever possible, in a solveable puzzle with a unique solution, after all unsolved cells have been reduced to a minimum possible number of candidate-values via cross-elimination (includes Swordfish and X-wing eliminations, etc) and mathematical deduction, that there might be no BI-valued candidates? -- meaning all cells are either naked|hidden singles else cells with 3-or-more candidate values?"

And the next few lines, if answered, will indeed be MY biggest learning-curve in SuDoku, regardless how it's answered:
You responded with this example; True, it's not completely void of BI-value candidates (there's one in col9) but it may well suit the core-issue underlying my topic-question:
__8__ _125_ _259_:__4__ 12379 12357:__6__ _1359 _139_
_2459 __3__ _2459:_1259 __6__ _1258:_1589 __7__ _1489
_4569 _1456 __7__:_1359 _1389 _1358:_1589 13459 __2__
__1__ _2458 24589:__6__ _278_ _2578:__3__ _459_ _479_
_2569 __7__ _2569:_1235 __4__ _1235:_1259 __8__ __19_
__245 _2458 __3__:_1257 _1278 __9__:_1257 _145_ __6__
23567 _256_ _256_:____8 12379 12367:__4__ _1369 _1379
_3467 __9__ _468_:__137 __5__ 13467:_178_ __2__ _1378
23467 _2468 __1__:_2379 _2379 23467:_789_ _369_ __5__
Could you PLEASE(please) reveal, in this example,
1) The very first single cell-solution
2) Each sequential observation that got you there (as though doing manually on paper)

And, a core issue which you bring up and in fact underlies the reason for my topic question, is what I cautiously nomered "trial-reduction" (yes I knew of your expoundings about "t&e" so as a novice I tried to avoid any focus apart from main subject)
-- By "trial-reduction" I mean that, after I'm sure all candidates have been completely resolved/reduced by all other means, I find no recourse but to look for a most-logically prospective initial cell and mentally fixate one of it's values as a naked single, noting the chain of canditate-solutions resulting in other cells: If a chain of results gets too long or complex to retain mentally, I may have to record each result; If then such "trial" dead-ends with no further possible candidate-resolvements, I must obviously "erase" that recorded effort and eliminate that initial candidate;
-- If this is what you deem "t&e" then perhaps some of us are deemed to live with it..

-- Anyway, my first choices of a prospective "trial" cell would be from those with the fewest candidates, such as the "19" in your example above (OhPLEASE address my request posted beneath it);
The reason I'd asked is obvious to a paper-solver: Any puzzle that can't be logically reduced to anything less than tri-value candidates suggests more effort to solve - It'd certainly be helpful to know beforehand if such puzzle was even valid (and unique).
Thanks again, can hardly wait for some reply