howshaw wrote:This will simplify describing solutions. I am going to add a feature to my solver program to find the Generator puzzle for any puzzle where the top row is known. Comments?
I agree totally - as well as the rotations and reflections also proposed in the next post, we also need to consider that a puzzle does not change if we cut and slice it.
If we ignore box 1 since the single
can be transformed into any other.
For box 2 we can interchange the columns in 3! = 6 ways without altering the validity of the solution, similar for box 3.
For boxes 4, and 7 we can do the same with the rows. Not worked out the rules yet for 5,6,8,9 - perhaps there are none left since we already have control over the rows, and columns.
Havinving finished at the level of rows/columns, we can of course interchange the whole column of Boxes
1 2 3 , 2 1 3 , 3 1 2 etc for all 3!=6 combinations
4 5 6 , 5 4 6 , 6 4 5
7 8 9 , 8 7 9 , 9 7 8
but some of these will be reflections about the vertical axis
AND then repeat again for the horizontal axis.
Needs developing more, but your concept of a Generator Puzzle that can be transformed into all it's choldren must be the right way to go.
Also must not forget that we can use the diagonal axis as a point of refletion also..
Hope this helps ..... the are more ideas along these lines in the Generla/Puzzle --> Su-Doku's Maths.